Introducing kitty cam, the latest adorable web cam

    Remember puppy cam? The world went wild for a bunch of Shiba Inu dogs and their adorable antics captured live on a web feed. It became an Internet pheonmenon, but in case you missed it, this Today show clip sums up the puppy cam pretty well.

    Now, say hello to kitty cam. Based off the same exact formula that worked for the puppy cam (put cute animal in front of webcam, turn web cam on, Internet success!), kitten cam probably won’t be as universially beloved as its predecessor (cats are, for some reason, not as loved as dogs), but will get a solid cult following. Check it out below.

    This is the ultimate way to get through a three-hour long class, by the way. It’s hypnotic, heartwarming and the people around you shouldn’t be creeped out by it. Unless they are total tools.


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