Stories by Tom Giratikanon

Tom Giratikanon,

The trial of a former Northwestern student accused of providing vodka to Matthew Sunshine, the SESP freshman who died last ...

Tom Giratikanon,

President Bienen and other Wildcats gather in San Antonio

Tom Giratikanon,

The beloved sociology professor taught at NU for more than 40 years.

Tom Giratikanon,

Comments from people around the country.

Tom Giratikanon,

Grammy-Award-winning band OK Go returns to campus May 16 for a discussion and a performance, according to the Center for ...

Tom Giratikanon,

Northwestern has established the search committee that will seek a replacement for outgoing president Henry Bienen, the university said Tuesday. ...

Tom Giratikanon,

A screenshot of the CTA’s new Google Maps-based trip planner. Say goodbye to the CTA’s clunky Trip Planner. Google today ...

Tom Giratikanon,

Correction added Academy-Award-winning actor and Northwestern alumnus Charlton Heston died Saturday at age 84, according to news reports. He had ...

Tom Giratikanon,

Tom Flader of TGF Enterprises, an Illinois landscaping company, finishes burning the vegetation around the Lakefill on Saturday. The goal ...

Tom Giratikanon,

Last quarter, the Medill School of Journalism* was not the happiest place to be. But as if to brighten our ...

The quote has led to a controversy within Medill and beyond, and a university investigation.

Tom Giratikanon,

Medill lecturer Tom Hayden, who taught the Winter 2007 advertising class at the heart of the controversy over Medill Dean ...

Tom Giratikanon,

In an era of international terrorism, the Iraq War and global warming, one thing remains a globally unifying force: The ...

Tom Giratikanon,

A special committee appointed by NU’s provost has found “no evidence” that Medill Dean John Lavine fabricated quotes in a ...

Tom Giratikanon,

The Medill students who started circulating a student statement, requesting Dean Lavine address students about the quote controversy, say they ...

Tom Giratikanon,

Medill students Aaron Gannon, Emmet Sullivan, Margaret Matray and Tricia Bobeda have sent out an e-mail, which is being widely ...

Tom Giratikanon,

The Chicago Tribune has its latest story about Tuesday’s statement, signed by 16 Medill faculty members. It’s mostly a recap ...

Though former Medill students have expressed support, not all professors agree with handling of Tuesday's statement.

Tom Giratikanon,

As reported by The Daily Northwestern, some Medill faculty members released a statement today criticizing Dean John Lavine for his ...

Tom Giratikanon,

* How a blind professor — who didn’t realize he was stepping through pools of blood — got through the ...

Tom Giratikanon,

This photo, of a mourning student and her helpless friend, captures the agony of grief more powerfully than anything else ...

Tom Giratikanon,

Every big media outlet has a guide to Super Tuesday, when 24 states hold their presidential primary or caucus. Problem ...

Tom Giratikanon,

President Bienen sent out an e-mail to Medill people this morning saying that Dean Lavine will stay on past 2009, ...

Tom Giratikanon,

Michele Weldon's Monday talk on Everyman News.

Tom Giratikanon,

Okay, since when was leading in New Hampshire after being slightly behind in Iowa considered a ‘comeback’ that keeps you ...

Tom Giratikanon,

If you ever felt Medill never listens to you, you're dead wrong.

Tom Giratikanon,

Photographer Chris Jordan uses massive images to illustrate statistics, quite literally.

Tom Giratikanon,

A cool site that designs its articles by hand.

Tom Giratikanon,

Or, why you could have saved more than $700.

Tom Giratikanon,

The best in digital cameras, audio recorders and video cameras.

Tom Giratikanon,

Dean Lavine’s talking with all of Medill at 8 p.m. today in Fisk 217, to answer questions and hear from ...

Tom Giratikanon,

Take an image. Overlay it on a Web map. Do cool things.

Tom Giratikanon,

Maybe the Medill School of Journalism is a terrible name for our school.

Tom Giratikanon,

When beautiful design, photography and video still don't tell the story.

Tom Giratikanon,

Running back Omar Conteh snags a 15-yard pass from C.J. Bachér late in the second quarter, setting the Wildcats up ...

Tom Giratikanon,

Students squawked like chickens, bumped rumps and generally went wild.

Tom Giratikanon,

A photo gallery of Dillo Day performances by The Roots, Lupe Fiasco and Cake.

The rise of slam poetry in Chicago has given voice to the dreams and desires of all sorts of people.

Tom Giratikanon,

Tonight's vigil for those who died at Virginia Tech will include candles and brief speeches, but will focus on an open mic.

Tom Giratikanon,

NBC News got a package from the Virginia Tech shooter.

Tom Giratikanon,

The Washington Post illuminates the mind and behavior of Cho Seung Hui.

Tom Giratikanon,

If you’ve already been following the news, a few must-read stories to help begin understanding what happened yesterday: One emerging ...

Tom Giratikanon,

For today at least, I think the silence of the dead says more than we could hope to say ourselves.

Tom Giratikanon,

First, Dean Lavine’s comments relating to your questions. These aren’t necessarily complete answers or the answers you were looking for, ...

Tom Giratikanon,

The Daily has its story up about the Qatar plan. The relevant part for Medill students: The extension into Qatar ...

Tom Giratikanon,

The New York Time's newest feature.

Tom Giratikanon,

What would you ask the Dean about the planned Qatar deal?

Tom Giratikanon,

Medill will be offering courses and faculty at the school, which will be heavily subsidized by Qatar.

Tom Giratikanon,

Photojojo has developed a videorama technique that lets you stitch multiple overlapping videos into one complete scene.

Tom Giratikanon,

Is the world-wide leader in sports changing its tune about NASCAR?

Tom Giratikanon,

How The Washington Post has solved several problems with Web videos.

Tom Giratikanon,

Medill alum George Beres’ column today in The Daily about how IMC is ruining Medill unearths a tidbit: In the ...

Tom Giratikanon,

The Onion launched the Onion News Network on Tuesday, bringing its spoofs to weekly online videos. It’d probably be funny ...

Tom Giratikanon,

Learn how to use RSS to keep track of your favorite news sites.

Tom Giratikanon,

Looking for a friendly RSS reader? In true Gmail style, the revamped Google Reader is simple, fast and efficient. I ...

Tom Giratikanon,

The redesigned site for TIME magazine knocked me flat: It’s beautiful, functional and very TIME. It definitely recalls elements of ...

Tom Giratikanon,

Slate translates the magazine for the Web: You have the cover with its big images and teasers, and a table ...

Tom Giratikanon,

From the opening run onto the floor to the emotional closing seconds, we take you through Dance Marathon 2007.

Tom Giratikanon,

Sarah Silverman's show, scheduled for tonight, has been canceled. It'll likely be rescheduled, A&O says, but refunds will be offered.

Tom Giratikanon,

Don Hertzfeldt's new animated short Everything will be OK asks why life matters.

Writer Alex Kotlowitz and filmmaker Steve James squared off on the best way to tell a story.

Illinois beat NU Wednesday night, both in scoring points and filling the bleachers.

Watch Dance Marathon break the world record for most people dancing to "Thriller."

Tom Giratikanon,

New York University’s journalism department maintains an excellent list of internships, sorted (mercifully) by date. It’s not close to comprehensive, ...

Tom Giratikanon,

Alongside Chicago Crime, this is one of the most impressive pieces of data journalism I've seen.

Tom Giratikanon,

If you walked along Sheridan Road today, you probably noticed hundreds of tiny American flags lining the sidewalk, with signs ...

Tom Giratikanon,

Today in the life of a Medill sophomore… 8:00: Your wake up to the sounds of your cell phone’s alarm. ...

Photos and sound from the culmination of sorority recruitment.

Tom Giratikanon,

Slate's latest video innovation shows what people think of Bush's speech as you watch the speech itself.

Tom Giratikanon,

So audio slideshows are cool and everything. But what else can multimedia offer?

Tom Giratikanon,

The subtext for a lot of journalism talk, especially on Romenesko, is the fear that newspapers will be killed off ...

Tom Giratikanon,

An inspired choice: Seriously, who actually sits down after a long day at work and says, I’m not going to ...

Jackie Triplett is the sweet sentry of the dining hall at 1835 Hinman.

Tom Giratikanon,

What's the dirty secret of college speaker stories? They're not news.

We parted the red sea to talk to the heart of Buckeye Nation. Drunk fans within.

Hear the screams and whispers from the Othello festival finale.

Tom Giratikanon,

I was going to follow the elections tonight. Really, I was — I had Medill’s election blog bookmarked and everything! ...

400 people registered to vote at Norris this year, but only about 30 showed up.

Tom Giratikanon,

After they found one of their stories to be plagiarized, The Daily Northwestern today issued a retraction. It was in ...

A musical trio from Azerbaijan sang their hypnotic classical poetry.

Tom Giratikanon,

Dean Lavine launched a blog on myMedill this week. Too bad it doesn't really invite discussion.

Tom Giratikanon,

Since I’m going through way too many journalism internship listings already, I’m posting some of the more interesting ones. Also, ...

Tom Giratikanon,

Sunshine and musical thunder filled Alice Millar Chapel during its lunchtime organ recital.

Tom Giratikanon,

If you want to know what really threatens a chunk of The Daily Northwestern, visit the new for Evanston. ...

Tom Giratikanon,

Reporting government secrets Tuesday, October 31 at 5 p.m. / Fisk 211 CIA expert John Prados talks about how journalists ...

Tom Giratikanon,

Give me something! Photo by “natural gas” on Flickr, licensed under the Creative Commons Student: I want a job. Recruiter: ...

Evanston children got treats and played hockey and candy pong at Norris Thursday evening.

Tom Giratikanon,

I wouldn’t be surprised if a job of the future (or the present) is a “homepage editor” – someone who ...

Tom Giratikanon,

Assistant Professor Craig LaMay is giving a talk about the risks of social networking right now at Fisk 211. It’s ...

Tom Giratikanon,

New media is moving fast. Just six weeks after I first posted about how social media is becoming paid and ...

Tom Giratikanon,

Besides our own coverage of Colbert’s visit to NU, there’s a nice YouTube video of the mob surrounding him: From ...

Tom Giratikanon,

Dr. Balbina Hwang talked about Kim Jong-il's hair and the Korean peninsula Wednesday evening, on Korea Peace Day.

Students from each class ate piles of cake Tuesday evening for a Homecoming competition. 16 contestants, 1 survivor.

Tom Giratikanon,

I woke up this morning, checked the Chicago Tribune Web site, and saw the most depressing list of headlines ever. ...

Tom Giratikanon,

Last week in Newswriting we talked about libel. And how dangerous it is. Well, the Chicago Tribune reported yesterday it’s ...

Tom Giratikanon,

 Photo by jkeller on Flickr There are somber images on Flickr from the plane crash that just happened in New ...

Tom Giratikanon,

Dear Tom, I’m currently in a relationship, and it’s not going so hot. A few years ago,my girlfriend was my ...

Tom Giratikanon,

It’s somewhat speculative right now, but the Wall Street Journal reports Google is interested in buying YouTube. Whether or not ...

Tom Giratikanon,

Miami Herald recruiter Rick Hirsch talked today at McCormick Tribune about how the Internet archives every piece of information you ...

Tom Giratikanon,

The Daily’s public editor, David Spett, wrote a column today tearing apart the The Daily Northwestern’s Web site, and rightly ...

Tom Giratikanon,

Anonymous blog comments make for intense conversations focused on the merits of hot topics. They also for violent, obscene mud-slinging. ...

Tom Giratikanon,

Two noteworthy events at Medill tomorrow, Oct. 4: The Future of News (Facebook event) with Prof. Richard Roth 5 p.m., ...

Tom Giratikanon,

I'm glad Medill is trying to get us to talk to actual people, learn a new community and try multimedia along the way. But they could have organized it so we're actually getting something out of each 3-hour class.

Tom Giratikanon,

Are we doomed to forever argue about Macs vs. PCs? Didn't the latest commercials already kill that off?

Tom Giratikanon,

Love sledding? Dislike physical exertion? Do we have the game for you!

Tom Giratikanon,

A top-notch post from Tech Crunch argues that sites like YouTube and Digg are getting mature enough that their top ...

Tom Giratikanon,

Jon Stewart’s speech about Sept. 11 still deeply moves me. It was broadcast on The Daily Show on Sept. 20, ...

Tom Giratikanon,

See this drawing? It’s just one section out of 300+ sections in this massive piece of art, which captures an ...

Tom Giratikanon,

Thanks to everyone who reads this blog. Considering this site hasn’t launched, it’s nice to know people are responding. I ...

Tom Giratikanon,

Amazon has just launched Unbox, its TV and movie download service. Movies cost between $10 and 15 to buy, TV ...

Tom Giratikanon,

Of all the jobs I’ve tried in journalism, the most rewarding, most worthwhile and least necessary has been copy editing. ...

Tom Giratikanon,

You know all those home surveillance videos of nannies and misbehaving teens? Yeah, about that… Facebook now shows everything you ...

Tom Giratikanon,

MySpace will sell music from its 3 million independent bands.

Tom Giratikanon,

I’m shocked and appalled delighted: Political candidates now have profiles on Facebook, and you can easily add candidates and issues ...

Tom Giratikanon,

Medill graduate student Laura McGann writes: For the past five years an office in the Education Department has scanned through ...

Tom Giratikanon,

Apparently, it’s simple to grab other people’s communications on a public wireless network, says Robert Scoble. In fact, your instant ...

Tom Giratikanon,

From the ever-fabulous Micro Persuasion: is going to add comments to all of its news stories, then allow readers ...

Tom Giratikanon,

There’s some outstanding articles this week on YouTube and what it means for culture, as people are moving past commenting ...

Tom Giratikanon,

Field & Stream magazine has a tasty little photo gallery showing how to put together an outdoor survival kit. That ...

Tom Giratikanon,

You know how SimCity made it fun to run a city? When you would never, ever, ever run for mayor ...

Tom Giratikanon,

The Onion’s latest: 10 O’Clock News Team Relying Heavily On Work Of 6 O’Clock News Team. KAMR even routinely rehashed ...

Tom Giratikanon,

Northwestern News Network just revamped its Web site. Before, when you clicked on a video, a new window popped up. ...

Tom Giratikanon,

Jon Marshall, who teaches Medill writing labs, asks why the CBS Evening News doesn’t send its reporters to find stories ...

Tom Giratikanon,

A gem from Newgrounds, this is an amazing translation of Super Smash Bros. Melee from Gamecube to… Flash. Of course, ...

Tom Giratikanon,

So apparently you’re a metal skeleton sliding down a very hallucinogenic tunnel avoiding the evil checkered stripes.. but it makes ...

Tom Giratikanon,

And it takes me both hands just to tie my shoes:

Tom Giratikanon,

The cuts will come by the end of the summer, but not in all areas. From the Tribune: However, Hiller ...

Tom Giratikanon,

To cover the rapidly-developing events in Israel and Lebanon, The New York Times has effectively created a news blog on ...

Tom Giratikanon,

[Via Reinventing College Media] After the intense, occasionally 23-hour, days at AAJALink, basically a multimedia workshop, I have a soft ...

Tom Giratikanon,

Via the fabulous Micro Persuasion, a story about widgets that visualize the news, using RSS: The site, FlickrFling, uses RSS ...

Tom Giratikanon,

Medill just unveiled its new Web site, bringing together its journalism and integrated marketing communications programs.