Soulja Boy: An international anthem

    In an era of international terrorism, the Iraq War and global warming, one thing remains a globally unifying force: The need for people in every country to fall in love with sexually dubious moves from a Chicago teenager.

    YouTube searches are an amazing thing, and so I present Soulja Boys and Girls from around the world. Needless to say, it’s impossible to verify whether these people are from where they say they are. Although being in front of the Eiffel Tower is pretty convincing.

    American soldiers teach the dance during a “cultural exchange” with Indian soldiers. (Get it? Soldier boys? Heh.)

    The inevitable Japanese schoolgirl Soulja Boy:

    In front of the Eiffel Tower:

    On the Great Wall of China:

    Underwater (skip ahead to about 0:20):

    And finally, the YouTube description says it all for this one: “This is how we crank dat Soulja Boy in the Middle East.”

    My apologies to global culture.


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