Sarah Silverman show canceled due to weather in New York

    Sarah Silverman’s show, which was scheduled for 8 p.m. today at the Pick-Staiger auditorium, has been canceled, said Kimb Peitso, a customer service representative at Pick-Staiger’s box office. She said Silverman can’t make the performance because of the snow in New York.

    “I urge people to hang on to their tickets because the show is probably going to be rescheduled,” said Rachel Cort, chair of A&O Productions, which planned the event.

    While A&O will offer refunds through the Norris Box Office starting Wednesday of next week, Cort said, Silverman will probably be rescheduled for this spring and tickets will still be good. Cort said the group is e-mailing people to let them know what’s going on, and expects to have an announcement on HereAndNow shortly.

    This story was updated at 3:02 p.m. with info from A&O Productions.


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