Try Amazon's TV and movie downloads for free

    Amazon has just launched Unbox, its TV and movie download service. Movies cost between $10 and 15 to buy, TV shows $2. You can also rent movies.

    They’re offering $2 off your first download, so you can try out a free TV show

    Notes about Unbox:

    • - You can only download one file at a time
    • - You can watch the show or movie as you download it
    • - The files work on up to 2 PCs or portable video players, but not iPods

    I wonder whether people would use services like iTunes and Unbox to watch news programs and documentaries at low prices. It’s silly that PBS sells one-hour DVDs for $20, but I could see a few people people pay a dollar to download an excellent documentary or historic footage – it’s not like it costs CNN or PBS more than a few pennies to let people download their shows. And it would be invaluable for research, at least.

    In general, TV networks need to make more of their content available on demand – letting people watch at only one time during the week is getting very quaint, and not all of us have TiVo. I certainly miss a lot of shows (and advertisements) because I’m busy elsewhere. Even it’s just being able to see The Daily Show a couple hours later, with ads, would be really nice.

    Anyways, go download an episode of South Park or something.


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