Few people show up to vote at Norris today
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    Photo by Tom GiratikanonPhoto by Tom Giratikanon

    Birman on the low turnout:

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    As of 6:57 p.m., only 31 people had voted at Norris today for local, state and national elections, said Alan Birman, a voting judge there.

    “It started very slowly,” said the Evanston resident, who has been a judge for about six years. “We’ve gotten many of the 31 people, out of 400 registered voters, in the last several hours.”

    In contrast to the reports of machines failing in many polling places, the voting machines at Norris worked just fine today, he said. Volunteers at polling places are trained for several hours on voting procedures and also fixing equipment.

    Backfence Evanston reports higher turnouts in the city. The Daily reports low turnout elsewhere on campus too.


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