A round-up of stories from Blacksburg

    If you’ve already been following the news, a few must-read stories to help begin understanding what happened yesterday:

    One emerging angle is how violent and disturbing the shooter’s creative writing was. You can read two plays that Cho Seung-Hui wrote at VT for yourself; they are sickeningly gripping for the anger and fury that runs through them. They were posted by a former classmate. (From NYT’s The Lede.)

    The Washington Post vividly tells much of what happened in Norris Hall through numerous first-hand accounts. One custodian tells how after getting off the elevator at the second floor, he saw the body of a dead girl, looked up to see the shooter step out of a classroom, and then had to race down the stairs to escape as bullets whizzed by him. VT’s school paper has an incredible story from someone in the German class that Cho attacked first.

    Finally, if you haven’t seen already a map of campus, the NY Times’ interactive graphic will help you visualize where things happened.


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