Watch the whole city, why don'cha?

    What’s been happening in the multimedia world of photos and videos? I’m glad you asked!


    Photojojo’s patent-pending videorama technique. Multiple videos merged into one.

    I love geeky stuff like this. Photojojo developed a way to stitch multiple overlapping videos into one big ol’ “videorama.”

    Besides the novelty, use it to cover news stories that are, well, big: rallies that stretch for several city blocks, recovery after a natural disaster and most definitely sporting events.

    The one quirk is that the right frame is faded behind the middle where they overlap, so people can seem to disappear.

    If you need an even wider shot, you can try 270 degrees of coverage (still camera only, for now). Not a new project, but still cool.

    On the SoundSlides front, MultimediaShooter has pointed out some fantastic, creative audio slideshows. There’s an impressionistic photo-video of a B-52 flying over a field of American flags, and a stark look at the sport of wrestling, in black-and-white with some cool visual motifs.


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