Danced or slept through DM? Check out our round-up

    Dance Marathon is an annual, 30-hour philanthropic fundraiser that’s one of Northwestern’s biggest events.

    From the opening run onto the floor to the emotional closing seconds, we take you through Dance Marathon 2007.


    Check out the live blog as it happened.

    Block by block

    A hug seals DM’s end
    30 hours for the dancers, but a few more for the crew
    Our writer reflects on his DM experiences, then and now

    Block 10: Rx for Cure
    The final block goes ‘crunk’
    audio | Dancers ‘want it that way’
    And only the dancers remain
    The final countdown
    Check, please
    audio | Music from the finale

    Block 9: K is for Kaplan
    T-shirts, and the beginning of the end
    audio slideshow | Preparing for the final block
    Second-to-last block has dancers’ number

    Block 8: Catch a Wave
    video | Dancers ride the train
    video | Boomshaka shakes up DM dancers
    Can I just have one more dance, my love?
    Dinner time for dancers

    Block 7: STA’s Road Trip
    video | In the head of an exhausted dancer
    Ninjas and penguins on the road trip

    Block 6: Sudsy Serenade
    For a moment, the dancers are runners

    Block 5: DM’s Workout Plan
    A great way to start the day
    audio | Listen to Tonic Tap
    Halfway there, and it starts to get tough

    Block 4: Kick off your Sunday Shoes
    Good morning, sunshine

    Block 3: Back When Pluto was a Planet
    Our friends did it last year. Now it’s our turn

    Block 2: Opening Night
    Dancers a bit tired after six hours
    Rubbing down those exhausted feet

    Block 1: Chicago Tribune “Headliner”
    audio | The kick-off


    DM helps CURE
    The origins of Dance Marathon
    The science of sleeplessness
    video | Pumping up the dancers
    podcast | Why do we dance?

    Standalone photos

    Anthony Williams, camera operator
    Zach Kahn, technical director
    The 2006 DM Exec Board
    Food committee
    Dancer Relations

    Other DM events
    Kids’ fair
    Loud dance floor, silent auction
    audio | DM brings bands together to battle


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