Stories by Alex Campbell

Alex Campbell,

Think quick: Which president makes more money, Obama or Schapiro? Morty’s starting salary has yet to be made public, but ...

Alex Campbell,

ASG approved a proposal Wednesday for new shuttle routes intended to be more efficient and less confusing to students.

Alex Campbell,

The nonprofit employs a "Street Outreach" program to find homeless children, "Outreach Centers" as "safe and caring environments" for them, and a "Don't Run Away" program to teach elementary school kids how to deal with abusive families, according to a press release.

Hip-hop group N.E.R.D. and indie band The Decemberists are officially coming for Dillo Day. Mayfest announced the two bands as ...

Alex Campbell,

Last updated: 1:51 p.m. First posted: 1:22 p.m. Want instant updates on swine flu at Northwestern? Email us, with the ...

Alex Campbell,

The announcements will be made at Mayfest's annual Battle of the Bands, which starts tonight at 9 p.m. at Tommy Nevin's Pub.

Alex Campbell,

All eight patients are "either fully recovered or are on their way to a full recovery with no serious complications," according to a City of Evanston press release.

Alex Campbell,

This summer, the ground floor of Norris University Center will receive new furniture, video screens and lighting improvements. But a ...

Updated 4/30, 1:27 a.m. Correction appended Unless you made it to University Health Services, you wouldn’t know from walking around ...

Updated 1:00 a.m. Mo Safdari will not face an impeachment trial after all. The Associated Student Government Rules Committee decided ...

Alex Campbell,

Neal Sales-Griffin, in one of his last days in the ASG presidential office. Photo by the author. Neal Sales-Griffin chose ...

Updated 12:04 a.m: Articles of impeachment have been filed against the Academic Director-elect. If approved by the Rules Committee, Associated Student Government will hold an impeachment trial as early as Wednesday.

Alex Campbell, Chloe Benoist,

Updated, 2:21 p.m. Friday: The McGee-Smithburg campaign has issued a statement regarding last night’s citation. Access it here or at ...

Alex Campbell,

ESPN sportscaster and “Pardon the Interruption” co-host Michael Wilbon (Medill ‘80) will speak to students at the Owen L. Coon ...

Left: Pulte and Dawson react to the results in Pulte’s office in Pi Kappa Alpha. Right: McGee learns of the ...

Alex Campbell,

Between 4:45 and 5 p.m., the ASG Web site, including the online voting page, went down. The site was back ...

Alex Campbell,

I put more thought into brushing my teeth this morning than I did into who would make a better candidate for Mayor.

Alex Campbell,

Williams College students and faculty confirm that Northwestern's future president is a man committed to knowing and interacting with his students.

Alex Campbell,

Alexander Krzyston, 22, faces a felony charge for providing the alcohol that lead to SESP freshman Matthew Sunshine's death in June, police said.

Alex Campbell,

Weinberg senior Mallory Dwinal and Music senior Anna Yermakova won the prestigious scholarship and will study at Oxford University.

Graphic by Jared Miller / North by Northwestern A new report has indicated that Northwestern President Henry Bienen received twice ...

Alex Campbell,

Trevor Boehm, the Communication freshman who has been missing from campus since Nov. 5, has died, the university confirmed Monday. He was 20.

Updated, 5:27 p.m. A formal identification has still not been made for a body found in Lake Michigan Sunday morning. The body "may be that of a missing Northwestern University student, Trevor J. Boehm, but no positive identification has been made at this time."

Alex Campbell,

At a vigil for Trevor Boehm tonight at Alice Millar Chapel, members of Boehm's family and friends will read prepared statements and there will be an open floor thereafter, according to an organizer for the event.

Alex Campbell,

Henry Bienen received $1,742,560 for the 06-07 school year, according to a new report from the Chronicle for Higher Education. Bienen received $814,572 in 2005-06.

Alex Campbell,

A student and his friend were heading north on Maple Street when a man approached them from behind and demanded money. No one was injured.

Alex Campbell,

Updated, 6:22 p.m. Friday
A Coast Guard search of Lake Michigan yielded no results for the university's ongoing search for freshman Trevor Boehm.

Alex Campbell,

A female Northwestern student was attacked as she entered her residence on Wednesday evening, according to university statement. At 6 ...

Alex Campbell,

Cracking jokes and speaking softly, Rev. Jeremiah Wright told students to "stop depending on somebody else to teach our story for us."

Alex Campbell,

Use your knowledge to restore your community, Rev. Jeremiah Wright told a full crowd at Cahn Auditorium on Friday at ...

Click on the icons for various election day events. The blue dots are the polling stations, and the red dot ...

Alex Campbell,

Funny story: Northwestern undergrads used to have huge mock elections.

Alex Campbell,

Northwestern has begun renovation of its health services building, the university announced Tuesday. Among the planned changes to Searle Hall ...

Northwestern's President wrote a letter to the head of For Member's Only supporting Jeremiah Wright's Nov. 7 speech on campus.

Alex Campbell,

Last year a record 750 students packed into Norris to dance 30 hours for charity.

Alex Campbell,

This year Dance Marathon wants its dancers to meet its beneficiaries before the March 6 event.

Alex Campbell,

It will feature eight XBoxes, a Nintendo Wii, Rock Band and Guitar Hero.

Alex Campbell,

Stock market turmoil has “hurt” Northwestern’s endowment but the university “entered this period of uncertainty in a very strong financial ...

Alex Campbell,

Paul Krugman won the Economics Prize on Oct. 13. The Princeton economist and New York Times columnist will speak on Oct. 27.

Alex Campbell,

Northwestern’s Block Museum won “the highest national recognition for a museum in the United States” from the American Association of ...

Alex Campbell,

Rainbow Alliance Co-President Jessica Kaiser received a curious text around lunchtime today: “Gay protesters at the arch!” Apparently, two men ...

Alex Campbell,

The cost of rides to Chicago on the city’s fabled “El” trains will increase to $2.25 on Jan. 1 under ...

Matt Grevers, a Communication ‘07 alumnus who won the silver medal in the swimming 100-meter backstroke in the Beijing Olympics, ...

Alex Campbell, Chelsea Finger,

First posted: 3:45 p.m. Latest update: 11:59 p.m. Rev. Dr. Jeremiah Wright, the subject of much recent controversy at Northwestern ...

Alex Campbell,

Updated, 7:35 p.m.
According to an A&O spokesperson, more than half the tickets were sold within the first three hours.

Alex Campbell,

The Chicago band The Hood Internet will play at the Sigma Chi house on October 17, the fraternity announced Sunday. ...

Weinberg sophomore and Notre Dame transfer Chris Sell delivers eco-friendly school products to students.

Death Cab’s Ben Gibbard at the Chicago Cultural Center. Photo by chicagopublicradio on Flickr, licensed under Creative Commons. Updated 10:28 ...

Alex Campbell,

Get the latest Flash Player to see this player. [Javascript required to view Flash movie, please turn it on and ...

Alex Campbell,

With Ohio facing yet another third and long halfway through the third quarter, Ohio quarterback Boo Jackson thought he’d use ...

Alex Campbell,

No matter how cool your summer was, Matt Grevers's was cooler.

Alex Campbell,

Following criticism from some seniors, President Henry Bienen defended the university’s choice of Richard M. Daley as its commencement speaker ...

Alex Campbell,

Project Kindle, a nonprofit that serves and educates children and families affected by HIV/AIDS, will be the main beneficiary for ...

Alex Campbell,

Students react to news that the Chicago mayor will speak at graduation.

Alex Campbell,

Student film not your kind of entertainment? Well, there’s plenty for all the senses this weekend. Chemistry Professor Eberhard Zwergel ...

Alex Campbell,

Northwestern will join up with the non-profit Questbridge next fall to provide additional annual scholarships to low-income students, the university ...

Alex Campbell,

With 680 walkers, 74 teams and 12 hours, Relay for Life raised six figures for the American Cancer Society at ...

Her Highness is involved with our new home in Qatar.

Alex Campbell,

Sarah Mangelsdorf will become the new dean of Weinberg ahead of the next school year.

Alex Campbell,

Irony: A study shows an anti-gun program works -- right after it lost funding last year. What to do and know Monday at NU.

Alex Campbell,

ASG granted extra money to and finalized its budget for A-status groups on Wednesday.

Alex Campbell,

On Wednesday, ASG released its funding recommendations for A-status groups for the coming year.

Alex Campbell,

To reduce tensions with Evanston, the program seeks to offer students an outlet to get into Chicago.

Alex Campbell,

The budget for the new event, aimed to be a "unifying experience" for students, puts into range top-notch speakers such as Bill Clinton.

In response from graduate students, Northwestern decreases its deductible.

Alex Campbell,

What it took for the group to land the Chicago rapper.

Alex Campbell,

Common will perform at Dillo Day 2008, Mayfest announced on its Web site Monday. Mayfest, which plans Dillo Day, had ...

Alex Campbell,

A Northwestern student had her purse stolen in downtown Evanston Sunday morning, Northwestern said Sunday. A man approached a female ...

Alex Campbell, Chelsea Finger,

Sales-Griffin beat Mark Crain in the ASG presidential race.
Opinion: A letter from Sales-Griffin.

Alex Campbell,

Though the contract has not been signed, both NU and the artist's publicist expect the agreement to go through.

Alex Campbell, Chloe Benoist,

With the polls closed, the candidates anxiously play with their cell phones.

Alex Campbell,

The Daily Northwestern says dorms will have wireless next school year: That’s only six years after it was first recommended. ...

Alex Campbell,

You may have had a tough time balancing the return of TV shows, human rights speakers, debates and concerts Thursday ...

Alex Campbell,

Is your world-saving appetite sufficiently warmed from Nicholas Kristof’s speech on Thursday? Prove it by getting up by 10 a.m. ...

More than one hundred students gave blood on Wednesday.

Alex Campbell,

Contrary to what many at Medill might hold in their hearts and minds, the founder of the popular political blog ...

Alex Campbell,

Markos Moulitsas will also speak on campus Tuesday.

Alex Campbell,

Three people have been arrested in connection with the Sunday morning robbery of a female student near Bobb Hall, Northwestern said.

Alex Campbell,

But the week doesn't have a particular agenda, Stella Fayman says.

Alex Campbell,

A student was robbed at gunpoint near Bobb Hall on Sunday morning, Northwestern said in a statement. She was walking ...

Alex Campbell,

Five students will run for Associated Student Government president this year, ASG Elections Commissioner Samir Pendse said Sunday. Last year, ...

Alex Campbell,

They beat out 28 other Midwestern competitors for a spot in the finals.

Alex Campbell,

Saturday Night Live comedian Andy Samberg will speak in a Fiedler Hillel-sponsored “interactive conversation” with Northwestern students on April 15 ...

Alex Campbell,

Uncomfortable news for the proudly not racist: A new study by a Northwestern implies that “whites who are particularly worried ...

With the lowest admit rate in school history, NU continues its remarkable run.

Alex Campbell,

Cover your ears during NU’s first test of its outdoor emergency-alert system, and stay away from the rooftops of Tech, ...

The quote has led to a controversy within Medill and beyond, and a university investigation.

Alex Campbell,

Northwestern president Henry S. Bienen will retire as of August 31, 2009. He made the announcement in an e-mail to ...

Alex Campbell,

Clarification appended The five students to whom Dean John Lavine could have correctly attributed his now-infamous anonymous quote have made ...

Alex Campbell,

Chicago Tribune columnist Eric Zorn added his opinion to the fray today, accompanying the Tribune’s report on Dean Lavine’s apology. ...

Alex Campbell,

The Chicago Sun-Times also rehashes the faculty statement. The Sun-Times did nab a quote from ethics professor and former Dean ...

Alex Campbell,

Dean John Lavine’s potentially bogus anonymous quotes are the subject of the fifth-most prominent story on the Chicago Tribune’s Web ...

Alex Campbell,

Classes in both Evanston and Chicago starting at 6 p.m. or later Wednesday were called off due to weather. University ...

Alex Campbell,

Meet the libertarian candidate's biggest fan at Northwestern.

Alex Campbell,

Presidential candidates can use Google ads to attract specific audiences, said Google's political director Peter Greenberger.

Alex Campbell,

On the New York Times homepage at the time of writing, a breaking news banner says “A.P. and Television Networks ...

Alex Campbell,

Our audio tour of the most interesting campus voices this past week.

Alex Campbell,

Keynote speaker Alexis Herman had strong words for the media yesterday. She doesn’t give specific evidence, but hers is a ...

Videos, audio and photo from the morning observance, community conversations and candlelight vigil.

Alex Campbell,

No more doom. Chicago’s mass transit system will get $530 million, thanks to a bill passed by Illinois legislators Thursday ...

Alex Campbell,

brought to you by TravelPod, the Web’s Original Travel Blog ( part of the TripAdvisor Media Network )  It’s hard ...

Alex Campbell,

The best country to live in - and it's not the US.

Alex Campbell,

A glimpse into what life will be like at NU's new branch school in the Middle East.

Alex Campbell,

The EU adopts a new immigration policy and the UN discovers the dark side of biofuels.