First swine flu case confirmed at Northwestern

    Last updated: 1:51 p.m.
    First posted: 1:22 p.m.

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    Northwestern has its first confirmed case of swine flu.

    An undergraduate student who lives on campus is recovering from the infection at home, according to a university press release. “She is recovering from her infection without complications,” according to the statement, released by Alan Cubbage, vice president of media relations for the university.

    “Northwestern does not plan to close,” the statement added. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as well as state and local public officials, advise against closing a university where swine flu has been detected.

    In an interview, Cubbage declined to comment about the residence or its whereabouts, but did note that it was not a large residence. The university is in the process of contacting all of the members of that residence now, he said, and giving them information similar to that on an FAQ page about swine flu posted on Northwestern’s Web site.

    “Students, faculty and staff who are feeling ill should stay home and not go to work or classes,” the release said. “If students have flu-like symptoms, they should go to Northwestern Health Services for testing and treatment.”

    More to come.


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