New DM beneficiary: StandUp for Kids, serving homeless youth

    StandUp for Kids, a nonprofit serving homeless youth in American cities, will be the primary beneficiary for Dance Marathon 2010, DM officials said Tuesday.

    The nonprofit employs a “Street Outreach” program to find homeless children, “Outreach Centers” as “safe and caring environments” for them and a “Don’t Run Away” program to teach elementary school kids how to deal with abusive families. DM is hoping to “make connections with the more than 26,000 children living on the streets in Chicago,” according to a press release.

    This is the second time in its 36-year history that DM will primarily serve a social cause. “Although DM has focused a lot on medically-related philanthropies in the past, this is going to be a great opportunity to reach out to the community in a different way,” said Lauren Troy, co-chair for next year’s DM.

    Last year, DM donated $576,470 to Project Kindle, a nonprofit for families of children with HIV/AIDS.

    The Evanston Community Foundation will be DM’s secondary beneficiary for the thirteenth year. Last year DM raised $64,052 for the nonprofit.


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