By the billions

    Think quick: Which president makes more money, Obama or Schapiro? Morty’s starting salary has yet to be made public, but if the $930,090 President Henry Bienen made in 2007 (according to the latest available data) is any indication, serving 18,000 or so Wildcats is a fair bit more lucrative than the approximately $400,000 you’d make serving 300 million or so Americans.

    Given that you’re more likely to be tuition payer than taxpayer, it might seem irksome that your (parents’) money goes to the coffers of a “private” institution, which doesn’t appear to tell you anything about what it’s doing with your (parents’) cash. Conspiracy theorists fear not: Northwestern doesn’t get to hide everything.

    Every year, the university files a Form 990 with the Internal Revenue Service, detailing the billions of dollars moving in and out of the school’s hands. The latest data is from the 2007-08 school year, and it provides a broad picture of the kind of coin it takes to run this school, and the kind of salaries that are to be attained from higher education. Here’s a tip: it pays to work in Northwestern’s finance department.

    Carmody: Courtesy of Northwestern Athletic Communications; Bienen: Katherine Tang; Mclean: Courtesy of Northwestern University


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