NU in 60 Seconds: April 11

    Is your world-saving appetite sufficiently warmed from Nicholas Kristof’s speech on Thursday? Prove it by getting up by 10 a.m. on Friday and Saturday for scholarly panels on global religion and health. Okay, so you can’t cure global ills without a good night’s rest (and time for water and an alka seltzer), but you could always go see the closing address to the Northwestern Conference on Human Rights, from Genocide Intervention Network founder Mark Hanis at 8 p.m. on Saturday.

    Campus activism will continue throughout the weekend, as Northwestern’s Model UN hosts about 400 eager high school diplomats through Sunday, according to its secretary general Evan Gray. About60 NU students are helping out.

    Meanwhile, Sex Week will go out with a bang with “My life and work as a feminine porn activist,” a talk with Dr. Annie Sprinkle on Friday at 6 p.m. in Leverone Auditorium. If you found Sex Week offensive, then hopefully you hopped over to the Hotel Orrington to get some spa treatment on Thursday evening as part of Women of Worth’s rebuttal.

    Northwestern and Evanston, unite! This Saturday, Lakefillians will show off “all that Northwestern has to share with its Evanston and greater metro area neighbors” as part of Communiversity day on Saturday. Expect spontaneous hums of “kumbaya” when “Evanston and Northwestern: A Retrospective” plays at the library. Seriously though, they planned a ton of events across campus, running from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.

    NU in 60 can’t leave you without softening this cruel blow: It might snow this weekend. Just be happy you don’t belong on our crusading women’s tennis team, which hits up the great states of Iowa and Minnesota this Saturday and Sunday in the face of possible snow there too.


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