Meet Andrew Thompson, Northwestern's biggest Ron Paul fan
    Andrew Thompson. Photo by the author.

    Weinberg junior Andrew Thompson’s campus political group supports the only remaining presidential candidate who hasn’t won a primary election.

    Thompson runs Northwestern Students for Ron Paul and organizes student involvement in the libertarian obstetrician’s campaign.

    Listen to a profile of Thompson, and how he met Paul face-to-face:

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    Fast facts about Andrew Thompson

    Majors: American Studies and History.

    Least favorite primary candidate: John Edwards, until he dropped out.

    Biggest change to his political perspective: A seminar on the Iraq War during Winter Quarter last year gave him a “paradigm shift” in perspective on the Iraq invasion.

    Least favorite aspect of politics: The emphasis on name-calling and labeling instead of on dialogue.

    Least favorite thing about Ron Paul: The formal campaign could be better organized, but perhaps it can’t keep up with the demand of the campaign’s grassroots growth.


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