This week at Medill - Oct. 29, 2006

    pumpkin.jpgReporting government secrets
    Tuesday, October 31 at 5 p.m. / Fisk 211
    CIA expert John Prados talks about how journalists uncover classified government information. Hosted by SPJ.

    A Reception Welcoming Mi-Ai Parrish, Publisher, The Idaho Statesman
    Friday, November 3 at 5 p.m. / McCormick Tribune Center Forum
    Parrish is only the third Asian-American publisher of a major American newspaper. Sponsored by Medill, Journalism & Women Symposium and Association for Women Journalists. Students, faculty, professionals welcome. For more info and to RSVP: Michele Weldon.

    Have a Medill-related event this week? Leave a commment about it or e-mail me!


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