Stories by Rachel Aguiar

Rachel Aguiar,

Eight things you need to know, but might not, about exercise.

Rachel Aguiar,

With a little inspiration, your tips will be just as good as Cosmo's.

Rachel Aguiar,

Throw away the bland and bring out the color.

Rachel Aguiar,

If you’re running out of time and need a few ideas, here are some costumes for guys and girls that use only things you already own.

Rachel Aguiar,

Tricks and treats shouldn't just be for kids. Make sure your guests have an awesome time this All Hallow's Eve.

Rachel Aguiar,

Our Grey's super-fan freaks out over the season finale.

Rachel Aguiar,

We round up and judge all those super-sequel blockbusters.

Rachel Aguiar,

If you missed comedian Sarah Silverman at NU, just turn on Comedy Central for the same thing.

Rachel Aguiar,

Jim Carrey's newest flick about crazy numbers doesn't scare anyone -- not even journalism majors.

Werewolves, film ratings and epic satire all are being shown on movie screens around campus this weekend.

Jackie Triplett is the sweet sentry of the dining hall at 1835 Hinman.