Flyering and liquor runs: the workout you didn't know you were getting

    As a member of the ever-growing population of people trying to get their body in shape, I know how difficult it can be to force yourself to stop watching Cavemen and go to the gym. But after considering the bending, stretching and sprinting (to catch shuttles, of course) I do on a daily basis, I’m guilt-free. You probably get a lot more exercise than you think you do, too. And if you’re not doing any of the activities on this list, give it a try. Who can turn down guilt-free exercise sans sweating on a treadmill in the sorority gym?


    Anyone who has participated in the age-old tradition of flyering the campus for an organization or event knows how much of a workout this entails. Bending down and squatting to tape flyers to the ground – repeated ad nauseum – is sure to create some sore muscles the next day. Look at it this way, though: flyering itself can be a lot of fun when you get a big group of people to go with you, and as a bonus, you wake up the next morning with a great butt.

    Watch a funny movie

    Have you ever experienced that wonderful feeling when you laugh so hard you can’t breathe and your stomach hurts like hell? Well, this pain is actually soreness from an intense ab workout. Laughing tightens your core muscles and the longer you laugh, the more you exercise your abs. So go see a funny movie with your friends (because you know you always laugh more when you’re not by yourself), and don’t be afraid to laugh out loud.

    Go on a Jewel-Osco run… without a car

    People often talk about this fabled grocery store, but few ever go because it isn’t within eyeshot of Clark Street. In reality, the store isn’t actually that far away. For those who live on South Campus, it’s probably as far as you walk to get to Tech. After you power-walk your way down Chicago Avenue and stomp triumphantly into Jewel-Osco, remember that you have to carry your groceries back home, so don’t go overboard. One plastic bag in each hand is more than enough to give your arms a workout. You also might want to ask the attendants to double bag your purchases so the bag doesn’t break on the way back (I’m sure your iron grip has that effect on plastic bags).

    Stocked up on your groceries? Do a liquor run (without a car), instead. I salute those who dare to carry a handle of vodka in each hand from EV1 up to North Campus. Just don’t get arrested.

    Go to class late

    Admittingly, this idea may cause some stress; it also causes you to RUN if you want to make it to class on time. I suggest adding 10 more minutes of sleep to your schedule and sprinting to class on the other side of campus. Carry your books in your arms for extra points. This way, it doesn’t matter if you eat a heart-clogging danish on your way to class because you’re burning it off. Well, at least some of it.

    Go dancing

    Whether it’s at a frat party or a swanky club, dancing is a great way to work out without even realizing it. You work your core, abs, arms, butt, thighs, calves… pretty much everything. The best time I’ve ever had dancing was at a salsa club. By the end of the night, I was sweating like Britney Spears in front of a judge, but I had a lot of fun. The next day I was so sore (this means it works). Basically, dancing at a party is a great way to counteract all the calories you consume by drinking. So skip the floor parties and head to the dance parties! They’re less likely to get busted, anyway.

    Clean your room

    Maybe it’s time to actually start listening to your mama on this one, because household chores burn calories. Taking out the trash, carrying laundry up and down the stairs, dusting, scrubbing and especially vacuuming give you a great workout, especially for your arms. Doing bicep curls while taking your trash out will intensify your results. Cleaning is an especially great workout because when you’re done, not only have you burned off last night’s midnight Cheetos binge, but your dorm room/apartment will sparkle.

    These pursuits make it easy to give yourself a workout and burn some calories. So if you can’t make it to the gym today, just go watch a movie instead. Who’s guilty? Not you!


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