Questions answered and questions asked in the season finale of Grey's

    “Didn’t We Almost Have It All”
    Aired May 17, 2007

    WARNING: Immediately following is a quick freak fest about the season finale before we get this blog party started. Only people who have seen the episode will know what the hell I’m talking about. To others, it will just seem like a lot of incoherent babble. Here goes. Oh my God ANOTHER GREY!? BURKE dumped CRISTINA and has now LEFT? George FAILED his intern exams and is QUITTING!?! What? Derek TURNED DOWN the chief of surgery position and Callie is the new chief resident? SERIOUSLY? Okay, we’re good. ANOTHER GREY??? Okay, now we’re good.

    So I usually start writing this blog out during commercial breaks while I’m still watching the show. I started writing Meredith’s section talking about how I feel so bad for her and McDreamy is going to dump her, etc. But wow, real switch around. Why didn’t she just say right away, “you’re the one for me. Of course I’m not going to dump you and put you out of your misery!” But nooo, Meredith has to hesitate leaving hardly even a glimmer of hope.

    Despite the fact that he may not be as completely horrible as I thought mid-way through the episode, Derek is definitely not completely innocent. He is definitely playing some mind games with Meredith. He knows she is very unconfident when it comes to anything emotional and knows that he needs to be there for her to give a little bit of guidance. Despite the fact that he says she’s “the love of his life,” he’s giving her all the tools to run away. It’s like giving a fat kid candy, not cool. And why did he turn down the chief of surgery job if he was going to basically ask Meredith to dump him later.

    Ouch. That’s all I can say. That’s all anyone can say. She was there for him, in the only way she knew how, and Burke just crushed her. Though, it was nice to see her get emotional over something. The beginning of the episode was pretty funny though. Cristina might as well be that kid in high school who was the only one not to get an invitation to the coolest party of the year. Cristina is forced to watch all the other interns run off with guys with axes in their heads, a woman pregnant with twins whose heart could explode and the chief’s soon-to-be ex-wife who happens to be pregnant. Poor Cristina is forced to go home instead, and prepare for her wedding (the wedding that wouldn’t take place…). Oh, you know how people say Sandra Oh looks kind of alien-esque? She definitely looked like an alien without her eyebrows.

    WHAT THE HELL? She was there, almost through the door to come down the aisle. He had the wedding vow of the century. (That wedding vow had all the women in the operating room in silently “awwwing.”) Though, maybe he took Addison’s joke about dumping Cristina a little too seriously. There’s no excuse, even if he had just gotten rejected as the chief. So what does the future hold for Burke now that he’s skipped out? I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.

    This episode held a lot of drama for these three. Quick recap: Callie was named chief resident (much to Bailey’s chagrin it seems); Callie asks George to have a baby which he agrees to; Izzie tells George she is his friend, she loves him and she’s in love with him; George learns he fails the intern exam and decides he isn’t going to restart his intern years; as George clears out his locker, he meets LEXIE GREY, Meredith’s half sister. Yikes. The future looks cloudy for everyone; I really don’t think it’s going to work out well for anyone. I don’t think Izzie will get her way, and Callie is definitely going to find out about the affair at some point. The real question: What is George going to do now?

    Ava (Rebecca Pope)’s husband comes to Seattle Grace looking to bring her and the baby back home. After she is officially deemed healthy, she talks to Alex (who at this point is obviously in love with her). She, of course, has to spell out for him that she wants to stay with him. She asks him to give her a real reason to stay, but Alex tells her to go with “the decent guy.” Alex definitely has a love affair with self-sabotage. However, wise Addison (who is looking for any reason to stay at Seattle Grace but keeps coming up short) knocks some sense into his head and he runs back to her…empty room.

    Chief Webber
    Webber definitely had an interesting role in this episode. I really liked the way they shot his conversation with the attendings about who will become the chief of surgery; it was very real and very fascinating to watch. Also, it looks like Webber finally realized how to be there for his wife, it only took unconsciousness, loss of blood, hospitalization and a near-death experience. Now it looks like they’re back together!

    McMoron of the Week:
    At first I was going to go with Derek, then Alex, then Meredith but now I’ve decided on Burke. Burke takes the award along with the picture of his grandmother when he left Cristina.


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