The journalism student's guide to internship databases
    Photo by "natural gas" on Flickr
    Give me something! Photo by “natural gas” on Flickr, licensed under the Creative Commons

    Student: I want a job.
    Recruiter: You need internships.
    Student: Oh.
    Student: I want an internship.

    The delightful rays of summer are still a long way down the road, but the deadlines for summer internships are beginning to zoom by. So here’s a guide to the best internship sites on the ‘Net.

    Journalism Jobs – For sheer numbers, it can’t be beat. Problem is, the lack of good filters makes it hard to sift through them all.
    Dow Jones Newspaper Fund – A list of the biggest, most prestigious internships in the industry.
    American Society of Newspaper Editors – The most practical database for newspaper internships. Easily breaks it down by state, whether you need a car, whether they help you find housing, etc.
    Medill Career Services – A lot of Illinois-based internships.

    By State
    Illinois Press Association – You can’t search it, but there are quite a few Illinois newspaper internships in here, from community papers to mid-sized dailies.
    Illinois News Broadcasters Association – A disorganized but useful guide to broadcast stations in the state.
    Berkeley J-Jobs – Nice collection of California internships.

    Journalism Next – Many, but not all, of these are for people who aren’t white.

    If you’re not already, you should be a member of AAJA, NAHJ, NABJ – those job listings and newsletters are incredibly helpful.

    Know of other good resources? Leave a comment!


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