Multimedia? Sure. But you still need a nut graf

    This Washington Post feature just won a Society of New Design award. The interactive is awfully pretty, but awfully slow to tell its story.

    Even 21st-century stories need a nut graf. The text story nailed it: 30,000 refugees who relied on U.N. food are now cut off from any aid.

    You have to dig into the feature to get that same key fact. The multimedia transports you to Darfur but the rich design offers no clue about why or how the crisis is expanding. (Sand and trees?) The pretty panoramas are clumsy to navigate and the beautiful videos are slow-paced: You have to really want to watch them. Readers who want to learn the latest in Darfur will spend many minutes.

    One video does scream out — literally. The potent shots of a wailing baby and the roofless thatch house he lives in (“Feeding Baby Izzedine”) say what the rest of the piece should have.


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