Copy editors, the freshmakers of the future

    teasers.jpgI wouldn’t be surprised if a job of the future (or the present) is a “homepage editor” – someone who digs around the site to feature interesting articles and comments on the front page, and give old stories a new spin. Teasers and headlines are content these days; they’re what make a site feel fresh and inviting, and it’s all many readers see when they visit.

    Also, news stories need more headlines than they used to. While catchy teasers are useful on the front page, a story’s actual headline needs to be simple and clear for search engines. It’s also helpful to write different decks and blurbs for different pages on the site. A pun might appeal to some readers, while something vivid will appeal to others.

    Just as they always have worked to make stories appealing to readers, I think copy editors will be doing a lot of this work in the future.


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