Bill Gates knows famous people, uses them in retirement video

    Anyone who tells you money can’t buy happiness is a big, poor idiot who lives off 49 cent cheeseburger Tuesday and resides in a wheelbarrow. Take the world’s greatest nerd Bill Gates, who plans to retire from Microsoft super soon. At a big technology conference held in 2007, he presented a humor video poking fun at his soon-to-be retreat from the professional world, though it’s more of a reminder of who Gate’s has on his Zune’s speeddial. The kinda-funny video features John Stewart, Jay-Z, Bono, Steven Speilberg, Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama among other superstars. I mean, these are legitimate superstars (and, uh, potential world leaders), and Bill Gates can snap his fingers and just get them to appear briefly in the video below to remind us how great famous rich people have it. Bonus humor critique – Guitar Hero jokes aren’t that good anymore, writers take note.


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