Cats stealing stuff

    To keep up with the two big events happening in the coming week, feel free to interpret these videos of cats stealing various items to represent either:

    a.) Those greedy kids who snap up the bowl of mini Butterfingers left out by some kindly old person who couldn’t be at home Halloween night. Seriously you little jerks, leave some for us.

    b.) The politicians who tax the lower classes while the rich people out there get breaks. And then complain about it. A stretch for these feline videos, but Obama’s on TV right now making me all giddy so I’m going with this.

    On to the cats! This cat wants peanuts, so much so he’s willing to defy the rules of nature stating you need thumbs to open these containers.

    This cat sets his sights on a tougher target…fish. Live fish.

    This cat just steals some cat food, but the background track makes me think the kitty robbed a man of his life.

    The last cat didn’t steal anything, but something seems criminal about a video of a cat licking a lollipop for 33 seconds.


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