Don't eat sweets, you'll get a cavy! (not really)

    In this installment of “meet a cute animal you didn’t know existed,” we say salutations to the caviidae, better known by the shorter name cavy. What does a cavy look like, you ask? Like this!

    Photo courtesy of Eric Kilby on Flickr under Creative Commons
    Photo courtesy of Eric Kilby on Flickr under Creative Commons

    OK, I’m cheating a little bit, as the all-knowing Wikipedia says the caviidae is actual an animal species encompassing a bunch of critters (including the guinea pig). The above is actually a mara, but for the purpose of this blog post, everything is a cavy. Here is a much smaller cavy, chewing on stuff.

    I don’t know much about cavies (cavys?), so thankfully CNN exists to teach me all about the little fuzzy things. Two high schoolers in Oregon discovered a cavy on the way to school, and took him in. This video tells you a lot of good info about the animal, while also revealing the sound they make and the fact there is a Milwaukie in Oregon (ehhhh, spelling is close enough for me to be impressed). Thanks to Chloe Benoist for finding this informational video.

    Not mentioned in that video – the cavy also likes to be petted.

    The cavy also enjoys hangin’ out in hammocks. Ahhhh, just like people!

    Finally, something… different. Someone made an Eminem parody using pictures of the cavy, and it’s much like what I imagine the seventh circle of hell must be like. It’s also the only rap I’ve ever heard to reference pig-loos, so props to that. And, helpful tip, the song actually ends at the 1:50 mark, and the rest is sweet, sweet silence. Thanks to Jamie Wiebe for haunting my dreams for the next few weeks.

    Still better than “We Made You.”


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