A collection of dolphins to start summer right

    Dillo Day is officially done and the calendar turns to June. That means summer is definitely here (or at least the time to start seriously getting excited about the summer is here), and the coming of the warmest season calls for a special animal to showcase. Nothing says summer more than dolphins, and if you say differently, you should be banished to some sort of permanent winter. Just look at them play with bubble rings!

    Did you know baby dolphins are known as calves? And that they are born tail first? Did you know I’m getting all this info from this Web site? Look at this baby dolphin.

    Dolphins are really paranoid, because they only rest one half of their brain at a time, always keeping an eye open to watch out for predators. These dolphins don’t have anything to fear, though!

    Dolphins find stuff and communicate using echolocation, described well here. If you ever played Ecco the Dolphin, you would have known this.

    Dolphins are pretty peaceful. A meaner beast would have devoured the cat in this video.

    Dolphins also like dogs!

    Dolphins also like sex!

    Also, the dolphin race can boast one of the greatest TV theme songs of all time.

    Happy summer everyone. And remember, cute animals are all around us, not just on the Internet. Keep a watchful eye out for adorableness.


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