Gone Greek: "Three's Company"

    Greek flirted with a seldom seen topic in this week’s episode. No, not classes…they still don’t go to those. I’m talking about marijuana, a.k.a. wacky tobacky. Unlike academics, though, Greek’s decision to avoid too much cannabis chat actually makes sense–college drug scenes, or at least what I’ve observed at Northwestern, exist as cliques unlike the all-encompassing world of alcohol. You either toke or you don’t, and you keep it to yourself. As a person who has never inhaled and just Googled “slang for pot,” I clearly know next to nothing about the NU drug scene except that NORML comes out everyone once in a while and sells a platform better displayed in Cheech and Chong’s Nice Dreams.

    Greek decided to explore this sticky subject, though, via a one-off character named Kurt who resembles either known drug-abuser Pete Doherty or known herb-afficionado Mike Skinner. The writers chose to go with the time-tested “weed ruins your life” path with Kurt, a stupid characterization that’s pretty off and misses the biggest problem with pot heads (the manner they decorate their rooms). Seems the herb caused Kurt to get kicked out of Bob Jones University (not tough, considering interracial dating will get you the boot too) and now he plans to room with buddy Dale. Except smoking joints (see how handy that Google search was?) causes him to commit such atrocities as “eat really bad food” and “dance like an idiot.” Not as bad as “smoke weed, kill yourself,” but still pretty after-school special-ish.

    Next week–Cappie tells you how uncool crack is.


    Ashleigh starts her reign as ZBZ president…and sucks, since she still feels pulled in multiple directions by Casey and Frannie. Ashleigh tries to take control of the house while Casey tries to get over her presidential jealousy (Frannie just sleeps with Evan). Dale introduces us to Kurt, his future roommate and best friend, who Rusty discovers is like a character from Pineapple Express. Cappie, meanwhile, decides he needs to have a threesome because, hey, it’s college (and people think he’s a “one-woman man.” Monogamy, oh no!!!).

    Representations of College

    • The characters correctly use the word “awkward” twice in this episode, a feat considering most college students just label every situation they encounter “awkward” when they are actually “coincidental” or “unexpected” or “seeing someone you know.”
    • I really have to believe sororities in real life don’t take themselves as seriously as the fictional ones on Greek. But someone is reading all those gossip blogs, so…
    • They showed that rockin’ Built To Spill poster in the Kappa Tau house again. I thought that was cool.

    Examples of Greekā€™s Bad Writing in Action

    • A pretty solid week for the writers, but big negatives to the closing analogy, which hoisted Angelina Jolie onto the same pedestal as Susan B. Anthony. I agree with the sentiment (ladies, don’t demean yourselves) but can’t take someone who bended bullets in her last film seriously.
    • I liked the Good Times reference nobody under the age of 25 will ever get thrown in.
    • Another reference made me cringe big time: Kurt goes up to a police officier who is about to bust Rusty and Dale for drinking in public, waves his hand in front of his face and says “you don’t want to arrest them.” Oh Star Wars, will you never leave my life?

      Closing QuestionHow come I didn’t get to do this interview?????


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