Cute animals for desperate times

    In case you’ve been too busy figuring out how to look hot while playing Rock Band, the world is pretty much going to hell right now. The economy is hosed, and nothing is getting done. John McCain somehow found a way to sink even lower this election season, trumping his other noteworthy nightmare by gambling the American economy for a few poll points, and screwing up. And worse still, some people actually buy his transparent “calculated risk.” Times are so bad that Ed McMahon has become a rapper. The list goes on and on and on. And NU wants to bulldoze my old dorm, among a bunch of other buildings.

    Times like these call for an especially potent dose of adorable to raise spirits. And thanks to heroes like YouTube user koyoshimura, humanity has really cute/bizarre DVDs focused on cats. So if Perez Hilton’s debut single makes you wish the Rapture would just get here already, maybe a kitty peaking out of a laundry bag or wearing a box on its head can brighten your day.

    Apparently, an entire DVD of this cat exists. Some good does still exist in the world. And for all you dog people, koyoshimura has you covered too.

    I think this could make even Bill O’Reilly feel better.


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