To celebrate pointless achievements: animals with party hats!

    Cute Animal Blog’s official Twitter hit the big time this weekend — we logged our 1000th follower! Watch out Real Shaq, I’m coming for you. Since I love meaningless accomplishments, and patting myself on the shoulder over them even more, let’s celebrate this milestone with animals wearing party hats!

    OK, that dog wasn’t very excited to be wearing that hat, but this one is!

    Photo courtesy of boxercab on Flickr under Creative Commons

    Photo courtesy of boxercab on Flickr under Creative Commons

    It seems mostly dogs get the party hat treatment, but I did find one cat. Let’s watch him wear a weird lookin’ crown.

    OK, nothing but photos from here on out. Enjoy, and go us!

    Photo courtesy of jessicafm on Flickr under Creative Commons

    Photo courtesy of jessicafm on Flickr under Creative Commons

    Photo courtesy of sarah ... on Flickr under Creative Commons

    Photo courtesy of sarah ... on Flickr under Creative Commons

    Photo courtesy of jeniphur99 on Flickr under Creative Commons

    Photo courtesy of jeniphur99 on Flickr under Creative Commons

    Picture courtesy of lindsayloveshermac on Flickr under Creative Commons

    Picture courtesy of lindsayloveshermac on Flickr under Creative Commons

    Photo courtesy of aylaujp on Flickr under Creative Commons

    Photo courtesy of aylaujp on Flickr under Creative Commons


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