To celebrate homecoming, a parade of cats

    It’s homecoming weekend, the time of year a bunch of alumni return to campus in order to eat food and watch football and maybe watch a parade where the Greek system comes up with some pretty wacky themed floats. As a current student, I don’t appreciate homecoming whatsoever. But I imagine for those who have long left campus it carries a lot of significance I really can’t comprehend until I’m 30, poor and working a horrible job. Then maybe I’ll understand it. For now, I just want to see whichever famous alum they pulled in to sit next to president Bienen.

    To celebrate homecoming, this post features a parade of cat videos, with each clip representative of a different stage of the NU experience. This might sound complicated at first, but remember… this is all just a vague excuse to post a lot of cat videos.

    Stage 1: Bright-eyed freshman, new and confused

    Stage 2: Chillin’ with your friends (the big cat represents academics ruining your day)

    Stage 3: Having all kinds of wacky fun

    Stage 4: Facing your future career head-on, here represented by a laundry bag

    Stage 5: Being sad because you have to say goodbye to it


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