A New Twist to an Old Trick

    I discovered this past summer that I have way too much time on my hands. In my vast stretches of free time, I studied governemnt conspiracies on Wikipedia, constructed a crude costume for the tour de force that was Snakes on a Plane and watched America’s Got Talent. I also attempted the Mentos-Diet Coke experiment, you know, the one where you drop the freshmaking mint into the soda, and a fountain of pop shoots towards the sky.The experiment has been well documented on YouTube. It was cool, even though I used the wrong kind of Mentos. But even I wouldn’t try what the guy below did. (Warning: Liquid comes out of a guys mouth)

    The end is pretty lame, but otherwise, what could be more fun than seeing a man’s mouth resemble the fountains at the Bellagio?


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