Stories by Letters


You know what’s slightly more annoying than a spontaneous, involuntary subscription to a Listserv? Two strangers giving away your personal information to a third-party organization renowned for their difficulties in warding off hackers – all for the sake of their political campaign.


The following is a Letter to the Editor submitted to North by Northwestern and does not necessarily reflect the views ...


"SAE getting caught doesn’t mean any of the other frats are less problematic and systemically fraught with toxic sexism and dated views of sexual assault and consent."


"For Asian American women in theatre, Marcy Park represents an opportunity to play a fully rounded part that reflects our experiences"


"Average everyday Muslims are not theologians, yet we are consistently asked and expected to speak about Islamic theology."


"It is high time that journalists on this campus hold themselves accountable for their work."


The following is a Letter to the Editor submitted to North by Northwestern and does not reflect the views of ...


"I won’t settle for a university that doesn’t allow each student an equal opportunity to succeed."


"What I truly appreciate about Joji and Archie’s campaign is that they’re not looking to revolutionize ASG or change the structure of the organization completely."


"This time last year, I did something that not many people do the Spring Quarter of their junior year: I joined ASG."


"We, Christina and Macs, are two students who will not stand for the current trajectory of ASG and our campus at large."


Unshackle NU and NU Divest respond to Tomer Cherki's Letter to the Editor.


"I voted no because I found the legislation, and its entanglement with NU Divest, to be unquestionably anti-Zionist."


"Upon closer examination, the intersectionality of our struggles becomes readily apparent and this collaboration should come as no surprise."


Correcting a mischaracterization.


Northwestern faculty express support for Northwestern student activists.


"Members of Deru often have not commented on the record about its activities, but silence has lead to misunderstanding."


The Hillel Exec Board outlines their programming for this year's Yom Ha'atzmaut, or the Israeli Day of Independence.


Northwestern juniors Noah Star and Christina Kim launch their campaign for ASG President and Vice President.


"Sex trafficking is often times literally forgotten in the shadows because of its hidden nature ... As a campus, we need to shed light on this topic and help those suffering modern-day slavery."


Students respond to RTVF professor Laura Kipnis's recently published article on professor-student relationships.


"Divestment supporters want to change the world, and by engaging in this debate, they definitely will. But they get to choose their impact."


"We must have conversations about the myriad of ways in which we are all affected differently by the occupation of Palestine."


An alumna and TFA recruiter's response to criticisms of Teach for America.


A College Republicans representative weighs in on the wage gap debate.


Alianza Co-President Darlene Reyes addresses the conversation sparked by the Cinco de Mayo email sent to students and staff.


"Diversity means more than talking only about race, religion or ethnicity. We need to widen our scope, and we can start by listening to one another."


Campus leaders ask that the student body refrain from painting the Rock until Oct. 14.


"As the members of Students of AMF, we recognize just how powerful it is to have support during this difficult time. Grief is always a difficult emotion to deal with, and it never affects anyone the same way."


"We are profoundly saddened by the loss of Harsha, a cherished member of our Northwestern community. The loss of a friend is always difficult."


"As Harsha is a part of Northwestern, Northwestern is a part of Harsha. Please help in finding him, whether by sharing or searching."


"We spent time in reflection and one question that we realized must be answered is: What happened?"


"We as faculty write in support of the recent student efforts to open dialogue and their demands for accountability and substantive change."


"A week ago we were in your shoes, this was not our fight and we didn’t care."


"As a team, we would like to express how extremely sorry and regretful we are for allowing such an inappropriate display to occur, and for harming members of our Northwestern community."


"This is an opportunity for the administration to take swift, decisive, positive action and back up the long-made promises to cultivate an environment that defends the humanity of all its students."


"ASG is sputtering along without a clearly articulated vision or statement of aspirational identity, as is our campus, in all its inherently decentralized glory."


"Every year at this time, when ASG elections roll around, most of us roll our eyes. We wonder why anyone would expect us to care which of two preening, self-aggrandizing resume padders would get a title that had no powers or responsibilities that we were aware of."


As another year passes by, we find ourselves again electing new leaders for our student government. With each new set ...


ASG and the Coalition of Colors call for more diversity, the Progressive Alliance thinks Dodge-Monacelli have what it takes.


"Victor and Brad exhibit the chemistry as a team and commitment that it takes to lead ASG."


“We must protect this house!”


"We are redoubling our efforts to build support for a more tenable, mutually beneficial occupancy rule."