Letters: Progressive Alliance endorsement, Coalition of Colors looks to administration


    The Progressive Alliance (College Democrats, College Feminists, SEED, NCDC, GES*) would like to thank each of the ASG candidates for their commitment to supporting progressive initiatives on campus and the hard work they have put into their campaigns.

    After considering the platforms and stances of each of the candidates, the Progressive Alliance will make the following endorsements.

    For the position of ASG President and Vice President, the Progressive Alliance endorses Kameron Dodge and Steven Monacelli. Their focus on tangible progressive issues and results made them stand out from the other candidates. While others discussed diversity initiatives and problems with ASG, Kam and Steven were able to most clearly articulate proposals and recognize resources that help progressive causes. We believe that Kam and Steven have what it takes to continue to promote innovation in student programming because of their experience in leading student groups and leadership in the current ASG administration.

    For the position of Academic Vice President, we endorse Ian Coley. We believe Ian is the most informed and knowledgeable about academic issues pertaining to sustainability and diversity initiatives. We appreciated the clarity of his platform and his commitment to incorporating a progressive agenda into university academic life.

    For the position of Student Life Vice President, we endorse Alex Van Atta. Alex was able to articulate a focus on building partnerships between student groups while also being open to student life issues that pertain to the entire Northwestern community. He also demonstrated a greater sensitivity to progressive issues and the long-term goals of campus.

    *An original version of this letter ran without a note explaining that GES was not a part of the endorsement decision-making process. GES is a part of and continues to support the Progressive Alliance, but has yet to make an endorsement. North by Northwsetern regrets the error.


    President Schapiro and Northwestern Administration,

    Last quarter we all took part in an open discussion to address student concerns about the state of diversity at our institution. During this discussion, students demanded increased administrative support for diversity initiatives. Since then, a group of students who represent all aspects and areas of campus life have been working to establish sustainable and accountable structures that will monitor and pursue diversity initiatives at both the student and administrative level. Last quarter’s energy has not dissipated and we need tangible action steps from administration that surpass sitting in a room and listening to students’ frustrations for a few hours.

    Over the last six weeks, we have continued to meet with a range of administrators and have submitted and had our recommendations accepted to the newly formed Diversity Council that will see administrators, faculty and students investigating diversity initiatives across campus. In addition, we have begun to explore new initiatives for student group collaboration and recruitment and before spring break, we held a Diversity training session led by an outside specialist that was attended by 60 student group leaders. This week we launched a petition of remaining demands for the administration.

    Most significantly, we have established a student-led Diversity Committee in association with ASG and the Coalition of Colors. This is not an attempt to generate additional bureaucracy in the Northwestern tradition of new-group creation. Rather, this is the culmination of months of hard work and years of inadequate progress. This committee will serve as an impartial and sustainable organization as we strive to move forward, charged with holding the administration and student body, accountable for both their actions and inaction.

    We, as students, have shown our resolve to improving diversity initiatives at Northwestern in the last few months but this is just the beginning. We now call on the administration to match our efforts and show their commitment to this cause in answering the demands outlined in our petition, and releasing all outstanding diversity reports by Monday April 30th. We also ask that the Diversity Council maintains absolute transparency with their agendas and release the names of the council members.

    We look forward to contributing to the development and improvement of the Northwestern experience as a united community.

    The Students of Northwestern University

    Jazzy Johnson, Chair of the Coalition of Colors
    Hayley Stevens, Chair of ASG's Diversity Committee


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