Letter: The Coalition of Colors announces ASG endorsements

    The Coalition would like to commend each of the ASG candidates for their zeal and passion for the Northwestern community and the hard work they have put forth in their campaigns.

    After considering each candidate’s platform and stances on critical issues that affect student life, we endorse the following candidates:

    For the position of ASG President and Vice President, the Coalition endorses Victor Shao and Brad Stewart. While all of the candidates addressed the basic platform issues of safety, housing, transportation and communication, Victor and Brad exhibit the chemistry as a team and commitment that it takes to lead ASG. Shao and Stewart have proven a dedication to diversity and the Coalition is confident that this team will stand in solidarity with the Multicultural community. Victor and Brad have what it takes to make ASG relevant for all students once more.

    For the position of Academic Vice President, we endorse Ian Coley. Coley demonstrates an extensive understanding of the academic committee and presents a sensible plan for addressing the academic needs of all students. We are confident that Coley’s proven experience with academic projects and his rapport with administration will be most beneficial to the Multicultural community, especially in regards to the Diversity Requirement Initiative.

    For the position of Student Life Vice President, we endorse Alex Van Atta because of his proven dedication to ASG and receptive approach to student issues. Van Atta addressed significant student concerns, such as on-campus housing for upperclassmen and a bike share program. The Coalition believes Van Atta is best for this position due to passion, his goals for more involvement and transparency for the student life committee and his desire to work closely with the newly formed ASG Diversity Committee.

    The Coalition of Colors: Alianza, Asian Pacific American Coalition, For Members Only, Muslim-cultural Student Association, South Asian Student Alliance, Rainbow Alliance


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