Letter: Help with the search for Harsha Maddula

    We have followed the search for Harsha Maddula - a member of the Class of 2015 - with unease, worry and confusion. Since we learned he was missing, we've been unsure of what we should do, of what could be effective or helpful.

    The path now is more clear. The police, University officials and Harsha's family have made it clear how students can help immediately:

    1. If you were at one of the two parties involved, or saw Harsha on Friday night, we beg you to speak up and share. The University and authorities have made themselves available in so many ways: You can contact them anonymously at Ethics Point or by picking up a blue-light phone around campus. You can call also them directly at (847) 491-3254.

    We implore you to tell the police any and all information you may have, however seemingly unimportant. Northwestern is and should be an open, safe space, and you should feel both comfortable and responsible in sharing.

    2. Join a volunteer search party.

    The best would be to gather at Seabury - 600 Haven St. - on Thursday, at 4 p.m. Harsha’s family and correspondence from Assistant Vice President Howard have requested we fill this role.

    It may be one we’re unused to. As Northwestern students, we're trained to focus our energy on what we excel at. We study and work at what we love, at what we believe improves the world.

    But sometimes the work Northwestern requires doesn't need experts: It just needs people. No one specializes in searching; no one majors in looking around; no one believes their recollection of a random moment at a party could be of larger importance. Yet that moment is worth sharing, that look worth having, that search worth volunteering for — for they are among our duties not only to the entire Northwestern community, but to Harsha’s family, and to Harsha.

    As Harsha is a part of Northwestern, Northwestern is a part of Harsha. Please help in finding him, whether by sharing or searching. Though class restarts today, let us keep this at the forefront of our thoughts. For we should not study the true and noble without aspiring to it ourselves, and while it is a privilege to be here and to learn here, it is a far greater privilege to serve one another, to support a distressed family, and to search for a missing friend.

    It may be one we’re unused to. As Northwestern students, we're trained to focus our energy on what we excel at. We study and work at what we love, at what we believe improves the world.

    But sometimes the work Northwestern requires doesn't need experts: It just needs people. No one specializes in searching; no one majors in looking around; no one believes their recollection of a random moment at a party could be of larger importance. Yet that moment is worth sharing, that look worth having, that search worth volunteering for — for they are among our duties not only to the entire Northwestern community, but to Harsha’s family, and to Harsha.

    As Harsha is a part of Northwestern, Northwestern is a part of Harsha. Please help in finding him, whether by sharing or searching. Though class restarts today, let us keep this at the forefront of our thoughts. For we should not study the true and noble without aspiring to it ourselves, and while it is a privilege to be here and to learn here, it is a far greater privilege to serve one another, to support a distressed family, and to search for a missing friend.


    Logan Koepke, A&O Productions chairman; Victor Shao, ASG president; Brad Stewart, ASG executive vice president; Girish Pendse, ASG financial vice president; Lauren Masterson, ASG student groups vice president; Carlos Martinez, Alianza co-president; Lucia Leon, Alianza co-president; Matt Larsen, Dance Marathon executive co-chair; Katie Amys, Dance Marathon executive co-chair; Brian Lange, Engineers for a Sustainable World co-president; Justin Clarke, For Members Only coordinator; Maryam Adamu, Global Engagement Summit co-director; Jill Shah, GlobeMed National Office; Nora Cohen, Hillel president; Emily Lane, Homecoming 2012 co-chair; Pat Schnettler, Interfraternity Council president; Jeremy Shpizner, Mayfest co-chair, Wil Heintz, Mayfest co-chair; Ala Salameh, Muslim-cultural Student Association co-president; Yousuf Ahmad, Muslim-cultural Student Association co-president; Amalia Namath, Northwestern Community Development Corps co-chair; Edward Demaria, Northwestern News Network news director; Robinson Meyer, Northwestern University Class of 2013; Bryan Munoz, Noticiero Northwestern news director; Rayyan Najeeb, NU Engagement Coalition; Linda Calles, National Association of Hispanic Journalists NU Chapter president; Katie Hilburn, Sigma Alpha Iota; Nikhil Bhagwat, South Asian Student Alliance co-president; Zachary Wichter, Rainbow Alliance co-president; Danielle Littman, WAVE Productions community outreach coordinator


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