Letter: ASG VP Ash Jaidev, Sahil Mehta endorse Shao-Stewart

    As another year passes by, we find ourselves again electing new leaders for our student government. With each new set of leaders comes new hope and a promise of change - a promise that often is only partially fulfilled at best. With the pre-existing infrastructure in place, it is difficult to truly overcome years of organizational momentum for any person in just one year. The ideal solutions for change on campus may take many years to fulfill, but the right people can create a meaningful and relevant student government. With this in mind, we have developed our endorsements after careful attention to candidates’ commitment to visionary thinking combined with realistic solutions, and a genuine passion for the organization. For this Wednesday’s election, we endorse Victor Shao and Brad Stewart, Alex Van Atta, and Neil Mehta.

    President and Executive Vice President – Victor Shao and Brad Stewart

    For President and Vice President, we’d like to support Victor Shao and Brad Stewart. With these two positions, we recognize the need for extremely committed individuals, quick learners, and self motivators who are ready to give a huge level of genuine interest and action to the student body. These positions interact with administrators each and every day, and the university as a whole relies on these positions for some of the most critical decisions at Northwestern. It’s important to have individuals who are ready to listen and translate their conversations into actionable improvements. It’s also crucial to be aware of the limited term that the President and Vice President face, and specifically it’s important to know the organization well enough to understand what can be accomplished and how.

    In our many conversations with all of the candidates, we’ve come to realize that the pair of Victor and Brad would be very effective and beneficial to the organization and to the NU community at large. Each has taken a great deal of his time at Northwestern to create cultural changes and improvements in their communities. But beyond their considerable experience as individuals is a clear track record of working as a unified team. We have seen this past year just how important a successful team at the top of ASG can better the organization and the community as a whole, and Victor and Brad exemplify a mutual respect and commitment that makes them stand out. Victor and Brad have effectively combined visionary optimism with grounded realism. This balance was achieved by gaining insight through conversations with an overwhelming number of people on campus, with the foremost focus on listening. We are proud to give our collective endorsement to Victor Shao and Brad Stewart for the positions of ASG President and Vice President, and strongly encourage you to vote for them on Wednesday.

    Student Life VP – Alex Van Atta

    For Student Life Vice President we endorse Alex Van Atta. The SLVP position needs a hard-working and dedicated individual who is able to realistically assess needs of students outside of the classroom and come up with creative solutions. Through his experiences both within and outside of ASG, Alex has shown a strong understanding of relevant student life concerns, and his ability to communicate effectively will be a huge asset. His eagerness and commitment will translate into meaningful changes for students. We are proud to support him, and we urge you to vote for him on Wednesday.

    Academic VP – Neil Mehta

    For Academic Vice President, we endorse Neil Mehta. The AVP position is crucial as the primary liaison between students and administrators in discussing our most pressing academic concerns. The AVP needs to be persistent, hard working, and understanding of the responsibility that comes with being the student voice for academics. Neil has shown us that he’s vocal, earnest, and a willing listener who will work closest with students to create realistic and noticeable improvements. We are proud to endorse Neil Mehta for Academic Vice President, and encourage you to vote for him on Wednesday.


    Ash Jaidev, ASG Vice President
    Sahil Mehta, Former SASA President and LEND Co-founder


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