Stories by Amanda Litman

Amanda Litman,

There is a midrash, a small Jewish story of wisdom, about the wise King Solomon of the ancient kingdom of ...

Amanda Litman,

Some people know they’ve found home when they’ve established themselves as a regular at a restaurant. Others find home when ...

Amanda Litman,

Me and Hugo after our bikeride around Mendoza. Notice the bottle of wine in my hand. Photo provided by Amanda ...

Amanda Litman,

Gabby Daniels, Weinberg sophomore, won Friday’s run-off election for Academic Vice President. Only 903 ballots were cast in Friday’s run-off ...

Amanda Litman,

Thanks for helping us win -- we wouldn't have done it without your help.

Amanda Litman,

The student was taken to the hospital after suffering minor injuries. After receiving 19 stitches, the student is feeling fine.

Amanda Litman,

In case you've been living under a rock (or 30 of them), we've got the quick 101 course on who Tracy Morgan is and why you should be excited.

Amanda Litman,

A note regarding our downtime on Thursday.

Amanda Litman,

While North by Northwestern is no longer in the business of providing pictures and videos of cute animals, we are ...

Amanda Litman,

The Northwestern Wildcats (8-4) will be playing the Auburn Tigers (7-5) in the Outback Bowl according to Chicago Breaking Sports. ...

Amanda Litman,

This was the first year Dance Marathon offered registration online. According to a press release, the organization is moving towards a paperless registration system in the future.

Amanda Litman,

From Kellogg to the Keg, we're answering all burning freshman questions.

Amanda Litman,

Bienen, Banis and Sunshine at the ASG forum Thursday night. Photo by Alex Campbell / North by Northwestern. An ASG-sponsored ...

Amanda Litman,

On April Fools Day, it’s standard for media outlets to mess around with their readers, setting up fake website, fake ...

Amanda Litman,

On Thursday, Thomas reminded one writer that, like a confused adolescent, our country must make important choices.

Amanda Litman,

The Norris Box Office has begun offering incentives for student groups who sell their tickets on the NBO Web Site, ...

Amanda Litman,

In an interview with North by Northwestern, founder Nate Silver discussed his experiences from analyzing baseball statistics to predicting election results.

Amanda Litman,

The addictive site is an exercise in schadenfreude: Using other people's misery to cheer ourselves up.

Amanda Litman,

One writer argues that as it is, Green Cup doesn't do enough.

Amanda Litman,

One year ago this month, a group of students submitted a proposal for a mid-winter event meant to rival Dillo ...

Amanda Litman,

After the university pulled funding earlier this week for a $100,000 mid-winter event, officials at A&O Productions said that significant plans had already been made.

Amanda Litman,

An evaluation of ASG's progress thus far.

Amanda Litman,

Despite consumerism and greasy food, Christmas is something to be happy about.

Amanda Litman,

Between stories of his sexual life at Northwestern, John Cameron Mitchell spoke about sex as a "metaphor" at a Rainbow Alliance event on Wednesday.

Amanda Litman,

When registering, is a GPA or a real education more important?

Amanda Litman,

Dressed in a suit and his “most polyester” tie, Weinberg and Communication junior Benjamin Singer, new emcee of Dance Marathon ...

Amanda Litman,

Tuition will not increase this upcoming year any more than it normally does, despite national economic troubles and expected tuition ...

Amanda Litman,

Updated, 5:10 p.m. Illinois supporters were informed this afternoon of tickets for Sen. Barack Obama's election night rally in Grant Park, but there is already a waiting list.

Amanda Litman,

Why you should keep voting after the presidential election.

Amanda Litman,

Paul Meadlo, along with his division, was shooting at the civilians in the ditch in the Vietnamese town of My ...

Amanda Litman,

Professor Reginald Gibbons and graduate school alum Aleksandar Hemon are up for the National Book Award, a well-respected literary prize.

Amanda Litman,

Why do we love free food but buy Gucci?

Amanda Litman,

One writer implores students to take notice of the Campus Framework plan.

Northwestern picked Olympic medal-winning swimmer Matt Grevers as homecoming Grand Marshal “to celebrate his successes and celebrate the Olympic spirit,” ...

Amanda Litman,

Northwestern hopes to bring down the number of RIAA complaints without invading students' privacy, a university official said.