Norris Box Office provides incentives to sell tickets online

    The Norris Box Office has begun offering incentives for student groups who sell their tickets on the NBO Web Site, according to Frank Zambrano, the box office manager.

    According to Zambrano, NBO wants student leaders to consider the benefits to customers when planning ticket sales for their groups’ events.

    “The online box office provides an additional opportunity [to purchase tickets] without having to come to Norris, especially without having to wait in long lines for popular events,” he said.

    The discounts offered to student groups include $15 off the event setup fee for the first ticketed event put up for online sales. Student groups will receive $10 off the credit card setup fee for the first event put up for online sales where the box office prints the tickets.

    The box office will take $5 off the event setup fee for subsequent events occurring before May 15. Finally, there will be no event setup fees of a $15 value for online fundraising drives with specific end dates, not lasting more than a quarter.

    Zambrano suggested that student groups consider various criteria when deciding whether or not to sell tickets online, including convenience to customers, intended audience, customer feedback and additional costs.

    The project of an online box office began two and a half years ago, under the guidance of Richard Thomas, Director of Norris Center, and Dr. William Banis, Vice President of Student Affairs. Demetri Martin’s Feb. 26 performance is the first event to utilize online Norris ticket sales.

    Student groups looking for more information can e-mail the Norris Box Office.


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