We won!

    Dear North by Northwestern reader:

    First, we asked you to send us questions. Then we asked you (and harassed you) to vote. You delivered on both accounts, and in case you haven’t heard, we won the Huffington Post and WhiteHouse.gov contest. I’ll be flying to Washington, D.C. on Thursday for a Friday morning interview with Secretary of Education Arne Duncan and top domestic policy advisor Melody Barnes so I can ask them your questions. Keep an eye on Huffington Post and WhiteHouse.gov to see a video of the interview.

    We wouldn’t have won this contest (or beaten WashU) without your support. You are some of the most engaging and interactive people on (and off) campus — you comment on our stories, you send us emails and you give us lots of opportunities to write stories that challenge us and (hopefully) entertain you. I am honored and excited to represent you all and ask the questions that you voted for.

    The entire NBN staff and I are extraordinarily thankful for your continued engagement. Please continue to read, email, comment and support us so we’re able to cover issues that matter to you.

    Thanks again for helping us win.

    Amanda Litman
    Editor-in-chief, North by Northwestern


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