Finish those "30 Rock" DVDs before Feb. 6

    A&O will be bringing comedian and actor Tracy Morgan to campus on Saturday, Feb. 6 at 7:30 p.m. at Pick-Staiger. Tickets go on sale for $10 on Friday, Jan. 29 at 10:30 a.m. at the Norris box office website. Undergraduates can purchase two tickets per WildCard.

    “We’re really excited to bring him. We think that he’ll appeal to a wide range of students because he has such a large fan base between his six years on Saturday Night Live and his role on ‘30 Rock’, which he’s been nominated for an Emmy for,” said Sierra Tishgart, A&O Co-Director of Promotions and Public Relations.

    Drew Deitch, A&O Director of Speakers emphasized that “ever since ‘30 Rock’ got big, we’ve had him on our radar.”

    For those of you who have been living under a rock (or 30 of them), Tracy Morgan is best known recently for his work playing the actor Tracy Jordan on “30 Rock,” Tina Fey’s critically acclaimed and Emmy-winning show about fake sketch comedy “The Girlie Show.”

    Morgan’s character, a caricature of Morgan himself, has no mental filter. He says what’s on his mind. This often leads to hilarious scenes, like the following, when Jordan is trying to prove he hasn’t lost touch with his roots by going into New York City and making new friends:

    Morgan is also well-known for his seven years on “Saturday Night Live.” While he played many characters, the one I’m most fond of is Brian Fellows, the man with a “sixth grade education and an abiding love for all God’s creatures.”

    This is one of my favorite sketches for one particular line, said with intense conviction: “That bird was trying to buy a stereo with my credit card!”

    Morgan will be here to perform stand-up, so there’s no harm in checking out his older stand-up routines, including “Behind Closed Doors,” highly inappropriate and absolutely hysterical. This is part one of nine, so feel free to blame your procrastination on us.

    Another Morgan classic: “Blackass,” a parody of “Jackass,” in which Morgan shows us what would happen if the show let in a black guy. Any further intro would be unnecessary.

    Finally, if that isn’t enough motivation to get your tickets early, how about the chance that Morgan might show up hammered? He (supposedly) did just that to a live television interview, and if his stand-up show at Pick-Staiger is half as funny as this quick interview, it should be a good night.

    Want more Tracy Morgan info? Read this New York Times profile from October 2008, check out 20 Things You Don’t Know About Tracy Morgan from VH1, read the Playboy interview in which he proclaims his love for anal, or just follow him on Twitter.

    Kevin Sullivan contributed reporting.

    Thanks to commenter “fact checker” for pointing out the misspelling of “The Girlie Show”. The correction has been made.


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