Dance Marathon registers more than 1000 dancers

    Dance Marathon enrolled more than 1,000 dancers for the event on March 5-7, 2010, on their first year of using online registration.

    Participants filled out their forms online and then brought in a printed waiver and their registration fee to Norris. According to a Dance Marathon press release, the organization is moving towards a paperless registration system in the future.

    “In the past, everything was done in paper,” said Allister Wenzel, DM’s finance co-chair, in a press release. “The Exec board and Finance committee would spend hours upon hours the week after registration meticulously entering the data from these paper forms into a Google spreadsheet. We saw online registration as the future, not only in streamlining the workload on our end, but also allowing the dancers to register in a more convenient way and being environmentally-friendly in the process.”

    The first all-DM dancer meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 27 from 7:30-8:30 p.m. in Fisk 217.


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