Despite trends, NU says tuition won't rise more than usual

    Tuition will not increase this upcoming year any more than it normally does, despite national economic troubles and expected tuition increases nationwide, a Northwestern official said today.

    Although an article in The New York Times on Thursday said that “private colleges may soon be in serious financial straits,” Vice President of University Relations Al Cubbage said Thursday that “NU is in a relatively stable financial position.”

    Tuition generally goes up 4-5 per cent every year. Tuition for the 2008-2009 school year is $36,756, not including room and board — a 4.8 percent increase on the year before.

    In regards to financial aid, Cubbage admitted that the “university is unsure how the financial market will affect the financial needs” of the incoming classes, but said that Northwestern is “committed to need-based financial aid.”


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