Stories by Amal Ahmed

"Being far away from the U.S., we've had to negotiate our country's new reality without the support system or resources we would've had back on campus."

Amal Ahmed,

On the left, Karl Eikenberry, who was almost the executive director of the Buffett Institute, enjoys a snow cone at ...

Amal Ahmed,

Senate confirmed six VPs during Wednesday night's meeting.

Amal Ahmed,

NBN's new podcast explores the inhumane conditions that workers face in farming the 84,000 pounds of bananas NU students eat every year.

Amal Ahmed,

NBN sat down with Kaitlin Jennrich and Chris Harlow, the co-chairs of DM’s production committee, to talk about their job ...

Amal Ahmed,

From Block 6, our scientific* poll of whether DM dancers would rather have sex or take a shower is revealing ...

Amal Ahmed,

Students from Fossil Free NU feel left out in the cold by Northwestern's actions, refusing to engage even as they say they desire responsible investment practices.

Amal Ahmed,

New evidence connects NU investments with corporations with alleged human rights violations.

Freshmen and sophomores will now be required to live on campus. Here's how much that might cost.

Amal Ahmed,

Medill honored Kathy Gannon in a ceremony Friday.

Amal Ahmed,

Recessions, creepy ads and more in this week's news quiz.

Amal Ahmed,

Students gathered across the University in an action to support Mizzou and marginalized students across the country.

Amal Ahmed, Candace Butera,

Things happened this week.

Amal Ahmed,

In protest of the lack of action taken on the NU Divest ASG resolution, members placed flyers over the Norris Lobby Student Life Awards posters Friday.

Amal Ahmed,

NBN talks to the executive director of Women in Leadership, which is co-hosting this year's Women’s Empowerment Week with Northwestern’s Panhellenic Association.

Amal Ahmed, Candace Butera,

How well-versed are you in today's issues? Take our quiz.

Amal Ahmed,

On Wednesday night, ASG passed a resolution allowing for medical cannabis users to have non-smokable marijuana on campus, in line with the new Illinois medical marijuana program.

Amal Ahmed, Candace Butera,

Miss the news from the week behind? Need to prep for your 201-1 news quiz? We've got you covered.

Amal Ahmed, Candace Butera,

Today's $100 million gift to the School of Law is only the latest in NU's fundraising push. Join us as we trace the recent history of NU donations.

Amal Ahmed,

ASG discussed a new drug policy at its weekly meeting.

Amal Ahmed,

Catch up on the events of the past week with the help of NBN's news quiz.

Amal Ahmed, Sam Schumacher,

Northwestern students joined the cause of climate justice in downtown Chicago last Wednesday, as part of a national day of action on climate change.

Amal Ahmed,

The Faculty Task Force on Undergraduate Academic Experience and ASG hosted a public forum on Thursday night.

Amal Ahmed,

NU's innovation incubator gives students the venue to create start-ups foster entrepreneurship.

Alex Daly, Amal Ahmed,

Students for Justice in Palestine's Israeli Apartheid Week explored important issues in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict.

Amal Ahmed,

Fossil Free NU held a teach-in Monday night to educate students about university divestment from coal companies.

Amal Ahmed,

Mohamedou Ould Slahi’s book, Guantánamo Diary, details the daily abuse he continues to face in the prison.

Amal Ahmed,

There are some 30 million girls around the world who should be going to primary school but who are not ...

Amal Ahmed,

There's a lot of angles from which to consider Hillary Clinton: her policies, her persona, her impact. How do young women with an interest in politics feel?

Amal Ahmed,

Medical marijuana, liquor licenses and some non-substance related issues at this week's city council meeting.

Amal Ahmed,

Ahead of Thursday's ASG election, the Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates discuss their platforms.

Amal Ahmed,

ASG candidates debated issues on race, inclusivity and socio-economic status at an event Monday leading up to Thursday's election.

Amal Ahmed,

ASG elected new students to officer positions and introduced new resolutions at the first Senate meeting of Spring Quarter.

Amal Ahmed,

Photo by author "I don't know if we're going to win this fight," Bill McKibben said on the Cahn Auditorium ...

Food Chains is the story of tomato farmers fighting for labor rights in Florida.

Amal Ahmed, Erin Bacon,

After a six-hour meeting in the Louis Room of Norris, the resolution passed.

Amal Ahmed,

NU Divest and Northwestern Coalition for Peace publicly discussed the divest movement for the first time.

Amal Ahmed,

Being a journalist can come with its risks.

Amal Ahmed,

NU Divest's fifth event was designed to educate the crowd on boycott, divestment and sanctions.

Amal Ahmed,

Palestinian comedian Amer Zahr was invited by NU Divest to perform for students on Monday night.

Amal Ahmed,

The talk detailed a Jewish argument for divestment from Israel.

The author of The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness spoke Monday night.

Amal Ahmed,

The teach-in focused on the narratives of Palestinians.

Amal Ahmed,

Braun emphasized the importance of individual actions in changing the status quo.

Amal Ahmed,

The future is here – Northwestern is doing groundbreaking research on a solar-powered car.

Amal Ahmed,

Carlos Rosa talked with NU students about advocacy for working families in Chicago at a teach-in on Thursday.

Amal Ahmed,

Northwestern University has called off the plan to mediate a lawsuit filed by Peter Ludlow against the University and two defendants for defamation.

Amal Ahmed,

Evanston embracing green power was just one of last week's many important developments.

Amal Ahmed,

SJP is calling on the school to investigate an apparent act of vandalism.

Amal Ahmed,

Fire, cookie dough and a pizza feud were just a few of last week's stories.

Amal Ahmed,

Same-day voting, counterfeit money and a new sports pavilion were the big stories of the week.

Amal Ahmed, Candace Butera,

Sybrina Fulton, the mother of Trayvon Martin, spoke at Northwestern Tuesday night.

Amal Ahmed,

Sophomores Aslı Salihoğlu and Gus Berrizbeitia carry a mattress together. Alex Furuya / North by Northwestern As part of a ...

Amal Ahmed,

NU Political Union discusses environmentalism and the role of fossil fuels in our economy.

Amal Ahmed,

Students and experts talked around a table together on the current developments in the Middle East. Amal Ahmed / North ...

By the time spring arrives, campus is a mess of discarded tape and disgusting flyers. These students are trying to change that.