ASG passes Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis on Campus resolution

    On Wednesday night, ASG passed a resolution, introduced last week, asking Northwestern’s administration to change its drug policy in order to accommodate Illinois’ Compassionate Use of Medical Marijuana Pilot Program Act.

    The resolution asks that non-smokable forms of marijuana be allowed on campus for students who are medically and legally allowed by the state to possess and consume the controlled substance.

    Senators brought up concerns, which were also addressed in the resolution, that Northwestern would lose federal funding under the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989.

    Caroline Naughton, who introduced the bill last week, reiterated that the resolution was largely symbolic and that it might not lead to policy changes on the administrative level.

    The resolution passed with relatively little debate among the senators.

    Additionally, the Wild Ideas Committee requested that ASG allocate extra funding for upcoming campus events. Project Pumpkin, organized by Northwestern Community Development Corps, will receive an extra $968 for transportation costs; the Muslim Cultural Student Association will receive an extra $550 for security and transportation costs with their upcoming speaker event featuring Kareem Abdul Jabbar, and ISNU: IIRON Students of Northwestern received $1000 for artists contracts at a social-justice themed artists’ showcase the group will host later in November.


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