Stories by Samantha Max

Samantha Max,

Year in Media 2016: Post-truth

"Being far away from the U.S., we've had to negotiate our country's new reality without the support system or resources we would've had back on campus."

Samantha Max,

Despite what it may seem from the beautifully crafted social media presence, studying abroad can be hard.

Samantha Max,

For hundreds of NU students whose native language isn’t English, sometimes things get lost in translation.

Samantha Max,

NBN Features gives the lowdown on campuswide free food.

Samantha Max,

Kaitlyn Budrow talks about the best place on Northwestern's campus to unwind.

Samantha Max,

Sherman Avenue: Friendly neighborhood thoroughfare or something more sinister?

Samantha Max,

Safe Ride driver and senior Leo Hu reflects on school and life during his last few hours behind the wheel.

Samantha Max,

One DM participant nearly ended up as a single dancer, but found a community in joining a committee and supporting others.

Samantha Max,

In the aftermath of last year's divestment resolution, NBN tracks the progress and future of NU Divest's efforts on campus.

Samantha Max,

NU’s largest talent show provides a stage for campus’s unsung stars

Samantha Max,

Judy Ryno juggles two jobs – being a sorority house mom and a celebrity concierge.

Samantha Max,

A Northwestern professor had the lead singer of Train sleeping on his couch. No, seriously.

Samantha Max,

Feel the rain on your skin – or don't, depending on what your favorite rain activity is.

Samantha Max,

A new exhibition at the Block Museum encourages viewers to think about the impact of the death penalty in the U.S.

Samantha Max,

Weinberg junior Camille Darko talks about how Evanston's warmer weather brings about a new mindset for students.

Samantha Max,

A lot goes into the creation of the NUDM 30-hour playlist.

Samantha Max,

How to balance college life with the job of an RA.

Mira Wang, Samantha Max,

NBN shows you how to get more out of your scarf with your winter wear.

Samantha Max,

Learn about Northwestern's only gospel choir.