News you might have missed: Nov. 23, 2014

    Coming to an International Film Festival near you

    Medill Assistant Professor Brent Huffman’s documentary film has been chosen to premiere at the International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam, which runs from Nov. 19 to Nov. 30. The film, titled Saving Mes Aynak, is about an Afghan archaeologist who tries to preserve an archaeological site called Mes Aynak in the face of its impending destruction. Huffman has been making the film since 2011.

    Evanston Goes Green

    The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently recognized Evanston as a Green Power Community. The city uses more than 228 million kilowatt hours of green energy, putting green energy at nearly 30 percent of the city’s total energy usage. That’s equivalent to saving the amount of CO2 produced by 14,000 homes in the United States in a year, according to the EPA. Evanston is currently implementing its Livability Plan, which will try to reduce the city's greenhouse gas emissions by 20 percent by 2016.

    Visitor’s Center Named After Alumni

    Northwestern announced that it will name its new visitor’s center after George and Carole Segal, the co-founders of Crate & Barrel who recently gave a $10 million gift to the University. The Segals are both alumni of Northwestern and graduated in 1960.

    University partakes in International Education Week

    Northwestern participated in International Education Week, a joint initiative of the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Department of Education hosted to celebrate and promote international education and exchange. Various events were held throughout the week, including a screening of a documentary about the healthcare worker shortage in Sub-Saharan Africa, a panel discussion on women’s health, a lecture on human rights and another lecture titled “Accountability in the Time of Cholera."


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