Stories by Mitchell Armentrout

Mitchell Armentrout,

After more than nine months of debate, ASG senate unanimously passed an amended restructuring bill that will change the way ...

Mitchell Armentrout,

About 15 students gathered in the Norris Wildcat Room Monday night to discuss the most recent legislation drafted to restructure ...

Mitchell Armentrout,

ASG Senate and executive board convened Wednesday night, with the turbulent weather providing a fitting backdrop for the contentious discussions ...

Mitchell Armentrout,

The Senate task force drafting ASG restructuring legislation has made significant progress since being assigned at last week’s senate meeting.

Mitchell Armentrout,

Students in the market for off-campus housing will soon have a new resource for comparing and evaluating different apartments and ...

Mitchell Armentrout,

ASG Senate convened Wednesday night in an evening of new beginnings — sort of. Austin Young led his first executive ...

Mitchell Armentrout,

President Claire Lew’s term came to an end Wednesday night, as she officially handed ASG reins to Austin Young before ...

Mitchell Armentrout,

While presidential elections garnered most of ASG’s attention Wednesday night, business continued as usual with the restructuring debate once again ...

Mitchell Armentrout,

Medill junior Matt Bellassai and Weinberg junior Austin Young squared off at the ASG presidential debate Monday night before about ...

Mitchell Armentrout,

Though Claire Lew’s tenure as ASG president is winding down, she has used her final weeks in office to kickstart ...

Mitchell Armentrout,

One Book One Northwestern chose a book for 2011-2012 about love, loss...and cell biology.

Mitchell Armentrout,

Seniors Keith Goldner and Jillian Marini were named Greek Man and Greek Woman of Winter Quarter by the Interfraternity Council ...

Mitchell Armentrout,

The ASG Executive board convened in their first meeting of the quarter Wednesday night, in what was also one of ...

Mitchell Armentrout,

The ASG executive board and Senate convened in their final meetings of the quarter Wednesday night, tying up some of ...

Mitchell Armentrout,

About 60 students, mostly ASG senators, were on hand at ASG’s Senate meeting in Fisk 217 to hear Mayor Elizabeth ...

Mitchell Armentrout,

The ASG executive board debated the proposed Senate reformation bill in their penultimate meeting of the quarter, which was abbreviated ...

Mitchell Armentrout,

ASG Claire Lew on the last two months of her presidency, Brothelgate and her Hollywood alter ego.

Mitchell Armentrout,

The ASG Executive Board convened Wednesday night, and in the midst of a quarter already chocked full of controversy, the ...

Mitchell Armentrout,

On Wednesday, Claire Lew and company discussed transitioning into the next administration while also tying up some of the loose ...

Mitchell Armentrout,

ASG and Pres. Schapiro are looking to make Deering Field more accessible for events. No word on whether that includes ...

The City of Evanston has decided not to step up its enforcement of the “brothel law,” an ordinance prohibiting more ...

Mitchell Armentrout,

The ASG Executive Board met for the third time this quarter, outlining ideas for several long-term plans they hope to ...