ASG update March 9: ASG pushes for new student center, holds off on Senate reform

    The ASG executive board and Senate convened in their final meetings of the quarter Wednesday night, tying up some of the loose ends before elections take place in early spring.

    • New Student Center Initiative makes big push. President Claire Lew and other exec members made final preparations for their meeting with Northwestern’s Board of Trustees Friday morning to make two major proposals. Lew will make a presentation stating ASG’s case for funding a new student center. After compiling a 40-page packet detailing the specifics of ASG’s research and suggestions on the issue, she suggested the ball will be in the Board of Trustees’ court to take action on the initiative, which has been floating around for years.
    • Lew lobbies for student Board of Trustees member. The second portion of ASG’s presentation will center on placing a non-voting student member  on the Board of Trustees. ASG Senate unanimously approved the proposal earlier in the quarter, and freshman senator David Harris will present their case Friday morning. The creation of this position has been brought forward several times since 1970, most recently in 2002, but the suggestion has never been explicitly denied by the Board.
    • Senate reform bill tabled. Further discussion on the proposed bill that would drastically change the face of ASG representation will take place after spring break, Lew said. Although she originally moved to have the bill discussed sooner in order to provide time to organize elections should the bill pass, it was decided that the interruption of spring break between discussion and voting would encumber thoughtful conversation on the issue. Senate will vote on the bill in the second week of spring quarter.
    • Money goes to service and fireworks. The Senate doled out to two student causes a large portion of the $7,400 it uses to fund its own activities. Wildcat Welcome Week’s new community service project received $3,100, while Mayfest received $3,000 to go toward a fireworks display on Dillo Day.
    • Campus-wide elections for executive positions, including president, will take place April 13, according to the ASG election commission.


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