Stories by Lisa Gartner

Lisa Gartner,

At Northwestern and other prestigious schools, “achievement-oriented” students are more likely to prioritize school work, summer internships and careers over a romantic relationship. As a result, many students engage in expiration dating.

Chloe Benoist, Lisa Gartner,

The bus service will cost $10 and run from March 19 to 21.

Chloe Benoist, Lisa Gartner,

Roxana Saberi, a Medill '99 graduate, was arrested in Iran about a month ago for reasons yet unclear. Her detention was confirmed by Iranian authorities on Tuesday.

Lisa Gartner,

Frustrated that NU didn't offer sign language courses, two juniors created and teach a course.

Lisa Gartner,

First posted: 11:22 a.m. Last updated: 5:40 p.m. The scene of the accident at 11 a.m. Photo by Emily Chow ...

Lisa Gartner,

The traffic lights at Sheridan and Chicago lost power this afternoon. Photo by Max Brawer. Several buildings on South and ...

Lisa Gartner,

The story of construction and deconstruction of campus since 1855.

Lisa Gartner,

We've got it all figured out... we think.

Lisa Gartner,

A message for the class of 2012.

Lisa Gartner,

A short story.

Lisa Gartner,

Our columnist asks about AP scores and other awkward things... on camera.

Lisa Gartner,

Well, it looks like Beyoncé and Jay-Z officially tied the knot. According to, the couple filed their wedding license ...

Lisa Gartner,

A sure sign of midterm stress: scraping the bottom of the unmentionables drawer.

Lisa Gartner,

One writer meditates on the value and purpose of Sex Week.

Lisa Gartner,

A reflection on human nature while braving the elements for Dance Marathon.

Lisa Gartner,

Now is when students prove who can make it and who can't ... in an evolutionary sense.

Lisa Gartner,

I’m not one for celebrity gossip, but I do believe in children’s rights. And in any scenario in which Angelina ...

Lisa Gartner,

Students share their first encounter with their boyfriend or girlfriend.

Lisa Gartner,

A handful of NU students are already facing the stress and joys of wedlock.

Lisa Gartner,

So football’s great and all, but if vaguely homoerotic pigskin tossing isn’t your thing, WATCH PUPPY BOWL. Puppy Bowl IV ...

Lisa Gartner,

Sure, your friends say anything is fine as a gift for the holidays or that it's the thought that counts, but we all know better.

Lisa Gartner,

A rant of Thanksgiving topics ranging from risqué ringtones to the president's turkey pardon.

Lisa Gartner,

When the right bra fits, wear it.

Lisa Gartner,

Our writer tells NU men how to man up.

Lisa Gartner,

54 percent of Northwestern students list their relationship status on Facebook. This is why they shouldn't.

Lisa Gartner,

Why girls making out with girls at parties is actually a bad thing. (We're shocked too.)

Lisa Gartner,

You drive too fast. You don’t tip well. You have an eating disorder, you download too much music, and you smoke too much pot.

Lisa Gartner,

Before you head out to section on Thursday and Friday, protect yourself.

Lisa Gartner,

All right, freshmen: You win. I give up.

Lisa Gartner,

There are a just few more things you need to do before summer starts.

Lisa Gartner,

Forgot his name at the party but remember his shoes? Here's what you can figure out.

Lisa Gartner,

Debunking myths about bowling, Halloween and more.

Lisa Gartner,

Do everyone a favor and never call anyone "sugarpuss."

Lisa Gartner,

Prospective students can be fun -- but be gentle with them!

Lisa Gartner,

Make your next Saturday night a bit more bearable with these tips for eating while imbibing.

Lisa Gartner,

Exploring one of the greatest college phenomena.