Week in Review Oct. 29: Big numbers for Dance Marathon and big bucks for athletics

    In case you were busy keeping your Halloween costume culturally sensitive, here’s a recap of some news you may have missed this week.

    Willie may be all business on top, but the bottom’s a different story. Photo by Dan Schuleman / North by Northwestern

    Some students still holding out for Sleep Marathon
    More than 1,200 students — an all-time high — registered online last week for Dance Marathon 2011. Last year, more than 1,000 dancers registered. This was the first year in which all registration was handled over the Web. We’ve got more right here.

    Northwestern also at odds with Willie over lack of pants
    Medill professor David Protess and Northwestern University are locked in a dispute over subpoenaed records of former Medill Innocence Project students. The two have obtained separate legal counsel in the split, which is based on which documents should be given to prosecutors in the case of Anthony McKinney. Our long-lost twins at The Daily Northwestern have the full story here.

    New Student Center Initiative looks down, shakes head
    Northwestern has commissioned Populous, the sports design firm behind the University of Minnesota’s $288 million new football stadium, to create a “master plan” for potential changes to athletic facilities. The university may be spending more than $1 million on the study. We’ve got the whole thing right here.

    God shrugs, to send locusts next
    While some students found the Chiclone hype overblown, Tuesday’s fierce winds snapped branches and toppled a tree or two around Evanston. Head over to The Daily for more.

    Gawker reminded: Our emails really aren’t that interesting
    They’re at it again. Burgie’s latest email, cautioning students to avoid blackface and and other insensitive Halloween costume choices, made its way to Gawker. While the Northwestern mole remains at large, you can check out Gawker’s story here. Of course, you can also just check your email.


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